A Lothbrok Wedding

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"Ubbe-! Are you coming?!" Hvitserk shouted loudly with cupped hands towards his older sibling. He and Sigurd already trailing down the small knoll to where the race was to start and end. With a jolt to the present the eldest brother shook his head and tried to refocus on the two he was being called to, "Hurry! You'll have to serve by default slow poke!"

A grin and snigger from Sigurd and Hvitserk when Ubbe sneered coyly at them across the way. Tearing away from where the women and other guests were gathering near the start of the race, Ubbe reluctant to perform such a ritual before the varagain front and center to watch. Conversely he was still fueled with a little spit fire towards Sigurd after the two oldest brother's always thought it was to be just them playing a game of chase as it was thought to be. Sigurd's need to butt in something Ubbe wasn't going to dispute if Hvitserk was happy to indulge it.

Established at the imaginary line marked by the ordain and the old beldam he had helping throughout the ceremony, the trio of brothers lined up. Ubbe and Sigurd on either side of Hvitserk. The married man front and center between them both, "You know the rules brothers, looser serves the feast." A frolicsome remark from the middle brother to both of the siblings on his sides. Sigurd rolled his eyes and Ubbe snorted at Hvitserk's cockiness.

"You sound like you've already won brother," Ubbe played, all of them settling into a starting position.

"And it is my wedding," Hvitserk winked at his older brother to his left.

In order the trio knelt down ready for a sprinting start. Muscles tense as the ordain cleared his throat. Onlookers jubilant and calling for Hvitserk's win. As custom was to hope the groom got to claim another win aside from marrying the bubbling bride. Ubbe and Sigurd both turned their heads to see Eleri beaming a giant smile at all three of them. Brought right to an abrupt start as the officiate cried out, "GO!"

Prompted right then and there Ubbe and Sigurd slower than the laser focus Hvitserk held. The viking gone two steps before his brothers stepped off in unison. Yelling and shouting from the entire group watching faded behind them. Even Eleri could be heard brashly cheering on the groom, "Go Hvitserk! Go!"

A short stint used with all their might. Each brother regardless of reason pushed their legs to carry them as fast as they could. Sigurd and Ubbe catching up to Hvitserk as the dash brought the trio through a stand of pine trees. Crunching dried needles under hardened leather soles of each pair of feet hammering the dried summer ground. Fleetingly Ubbe gained a foothold on Sigurd's minuscule lead. Grinning like a fool as he looked over at Hvitserk. Pumping his legs to take him as fast as they could. Whisking wind passing their ears the labored breathing and muffled screams of cheering some way back was drowned out by the thudding of each vikings heart in their chests trying to send enough blood circulating through the sprinting bodies of the three of them.

Straining all three of them turned the corner of a marked broad tree trunk at the same time. Half way down. Hvitserk holding firm on his lead of the other two. It was when the clearing back to where they started came into a quickly growing sight. All but taken by surprise when Ubbe assumed his second place was locked in. Sigurd at the staggering last moment slithered between Ubbe and Hvitserk's first and second place lead just as they jolted past the finish line. Sealing his second place and Ubbe's third.

"Hvitserk!" All cried for the clear winner when the groom trotted to meager stop. Heaving in long needed breathes with lungs on fire Hvitserk leaned down to catch his breath while all party goers broke past their place of waiting and joined the vikings.

"Ah- Hah! Hah looks-- Looks like I -aha- I win!" out of breath didn't stop him from announcing his victory. Everyone who'd waited for the race to end now engulfed the three brothers. Ivar heaving himself front and center with Floki handing off a stein of mead to Hvitserk. Who threw it back like it was water. Parched and quelling his burning legs. Ubbe and Sigurd sucking in deep breathes one right after another. Both losers to their brother, but the sparing look Sigurd and everyone else gave Ubbe indicated that it was the eldest who did indeed lose the bridal race.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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