Ch 40 Victory Cry

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GAAAAHHHHH! There's only two parts of this fanfiction left counting this one!

GAAAAAAHHHHH! It's so weird to think about! How is this over already?!

The funny thing is that I finished my last fanfiction in Sandiego, and this time I'm going to do the same thing. It seems fitting.

GAAAAAHHHHH! (Just wanted to do that for fun:))


The angels arrived at the agreed destination. The massive unit of beautiful creatures looked frightening to those nearby. There were countless cameras around the angels, filming, flashing, recording everything. They were like big, but harmless, guns carried by an army of reporters.

The place was swarming with security. There seemed to be as many policeman as there were Fallen angels. Reyna couldn't help but search for her stepfather. Sure, he's a a doctor, he probably wasn't going to be here, but she couldn't help herself. She wanted to see her dad after running off for a month.

There were several representatives from around the world. Each represented continents and the countries within their borders. Each were smartly dressed, in suits and in dresses. There were people of different races, shape, size, and genders. And they had all come together for one reason: to declare peace.

In the center of the field stood a round mahogany table, dividing the representatives from the Fallen. "We want to make this official," explained a security guard. "So we'll have the clan leaders sign a contract with the representatives, and both parties will also take a blood oath."

The representatives had previously signed the peace treaty (which was then read aloud to the angels). The four clan leaders, including Nico, strode to the table. They signed the treaty in silence. The birds didn't sing, the wind didn't play with the grass or Reyna's long black hair. Even the Fallen children had become mute.

The world leaders stepped forward. Each drew a knife, and the tension in the air suddenly spiked. They anticlimactically cut their own palms and said in unison, their voices ringing loud and clear, "I, (A jumble of names cluttered the air), leader of and representative of (Country names rang out like off time notes), swear on my blood and the earth it waters that I will accept Fallen angels as citizens in my country, and that my fellow rulers will do the same. I bestow upon them all rights and privileges as my other citizens."

The Fallen angel leaders then drew their own knives, cut their palms, and said "I, (Nico di Angelo, Fireblood Ashryver, ect.) swear on my blood and the earth it waters that myself and my people will follow all laws and requirements that come with being a citizen of a world country. If we fail, or break the laws of the country we choose to join, maybe we be punished according to the laws of the country we live in."


It started off as a rumble, like the song of distant thunder. Reyna turned, her heart soaring as the Fallen angels let out a cry unlike any other. It roared it's way to the heavens, spilling across the field as thousands raised their voices in joy and in ecstasy.  It sounded like victory. 

It sounded like freedom.

Nico suddenly abandoned the peace treaty table, sprinting for the crowd. Reyna got a shock when he embraced her and kissed her in front of all four clans, not to mention all of the cameras that suddenly swerved to get a shot. Another cheer went up, and despite the blush that crept onto Reyna's cheeks as they separated, hope stirred in her bones like a sleeping creature waking. When Nico had first kissed her when she begged him to let her come to the battle, his Clan mates had shot her looks of disgust. She hadn't blamed them; all angels had hated humans. Now, they had cheered when they kissed her. You could almost feel the winds of change in the breeze, soaring across the world, into the hearts of angels and humans alike. 

"You're free now," Reyna whispered to him. "We have a home now, Angel. They have a home." She turned and realized that tears have left silver tracks on the Son of Hades's pale cheeks.

"My home," he whispered back, his words more precious than jewels, sapphires, and all of the lustrous things in the world, "Is by your side, my Queen."


This fanfiction is almost over!


Well actually I'm writing a book.

But I have to wait to work on it so I can use it for my senior project.


I love writing fanfictions, but I have no more ideas for Reynico!


I have ideas for a Nico X Reader fanfic. But that's about it.

One more time, do it with me now, GAAAAAAHHHH!

Okay now I'm just ranting. My bad. :)

Well I have one more part after this then this fanfic is over. So sad! I loved throwing a bunch of books together and making it into one story. 

Well, until the last chapter my dear, loyal readers! I love you guys!

PS I got inspiration for this fanfic from the Hush Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick (READ IT!) and also the Warriors series by Erin Hunter (ALSO READ IT!)

And will someone please tell me how to put pictures up at the top of each chapter???

Fallen - A ReyNico fanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora