Deidara's firefly (Love story)

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 Chapter 1

When I was 7 years my village was attacked because of a revolt of the ninja. When my parents died, I ran into the woods where I was chased by assassins.

Without being conscious, around me gathered purple powder which was created by me. I fell on my knees losing control. Those assassins died instantly because of the power that i release.

The earth began to shake and i  created without recognizing, a wave of purple energy surrounding forest about one kilometer.

Then I saw someone who appeared to be a young woman with black hair and a black cloak, bare-shouldered dress (all black), walking toward me. There was something strange at her unconscious can resist my power, against those assassins who have years of training.

Surprisingly she hugged me and calm me down.

"Just calm down." She whispered in my ear ,and then I fell asleep.

After two days

"Whe...where am i..." opening my eyes slightly. Then I saw that woman with black hair leaning against a tree. Then I got the speed of light in the tree: "Who .. Who are you??? Freak!"

"Who call you freak?" said that woman.

Maybe I should show  some respect ... after she  saved me.

And then I pointed the language..."ups...!"

"Why you little...."

And then he started to run after me ... (I hope doing that in play) ... then she grabbed my leg. When I returned I touched her chest with the palm (by mistake) XD ... then I felt the energy that killed those murderers but this time it was more balanced. I depart to about 8 meters, afost suddenly covered with purple signs.

"What the..." She whispered

Then I saw she was hypnotized by those signs ... recognize those forms were beautiful .. and color was gorgeous .. hard to come off your eyes on them.

"So .. gorgeous .....!" she whispered again still looking for signs.

Then I purposely wanted to see what are those signs. I focused and I instinctively said "Kaboom!"

"Hahaha!!! XD" After I did those things I realized! signs were some bombs! and that woman exploded.

"What's so funny??!"-said with a funny face-    I heard a voice from the scene of the explosion. Be scattered smoke, I saw her hair burned and full of ashes.

"What beautiful hair you have!"-laugh-  I say ironic.

But wait! how to resist such a bomb ... was full of blood ... but ... but it is not possible for anyone to withstand that impact!

"Oh yes!" said. "That was a small bomb near what I received"-grinning, "I see you have talent ... and have a great and rare power .. are good for fighting. What's your name?"

"Shis...Kerra!" I said  proud.

"Well Kerr. In this case ... I can say that I can read minds!"

"What??? "

"I give to you be a teacher in the fight. Accept? You have only one chance."

"Hm. I accept. To be stronger and I can develop my art! "

"So you called those bombs, fireworks art ... heh .. Good start training today ..!"

All these years I trained and took 16 years.Since then I always liked to wear a mask, that I rarely get it out of.  I found that the woman's name ... is Akarra rather Akarra-sensei. I found it was one of sannin (one that was kept secret from some reason). She was a specialist in medicine and energy. It was quite strange ...  and she was one of the beasts with  tails and could turn her eyes like snake eye, and the other eye as in the Uchiha Clan ,and she can create Amaterasu. (was the only jutsu that she knew  .. . long story ..)

I was strong, skilled in my art and illusions bombs .. especially fireworks.! One of Akarra's students is Luna ... A girl who has 30 years (wow! look like 18 years!) ... she wears a long robe to leg joints and the elbow is much that is metallic purple ... and under it ... XD ... purple laceunderwear ! and has purple sandals ... heels ... ...and on her chest on the right has a sign with a red scorpion tattoo  (she never wanted to tell anyone what  that sign means)  ... it was a puppeteer, was almost always with her dog doll ..I often fight with her about the art. She was silent, hate to wait and does not like idiots.   

 One day Akarra-sensei comes and asks me something, even to kneel.

"Please! Say yes to the question you just place! Whatever!" -holding on to my leg-

"Get off of me!!...freak!.." I said trying to go to draw or create something (my art .. I could draw my energy in the air. There are bombs :D)

"But there is something very important and I can not reach! and I thought me and Luna"- said  serious looking into my eyes-

" Ok then...says what it is .."

Deidara's Fireworks and Love Sparks (Love story)Where stories live. Discover now