You heard footsteps walking towards the house, your eyes widening, hope filling them.

"H-help me! P-please!" You cried out, tears rolling down your face. The footsteps became faster, as you heard the sounds of panting coming from the footsteps.

A tall male stood in front of you, his eyes wide at the sight in front of him. Your face and body was covered by dirt, your (h/c) hair at the time was in a rats nest. He saw your frail body try to escape the rubble on top of you, but you were too weak to escape.

The male moved towards your body, throwing off the rotten planks and cobblestone from your frail body. You whimpered as the planks, and rocks left your sore body. You felt his arms lift your body up off the ground, your vision becoming blurry as a child's voice was heard running towards the man who saved you.

"Father who is this?" The male who held you shifted you in his arms, you losing consciousness.

"I'm.....(Y/n).." black spots covered your vision, your body falling limp in the male's arms, you falling unconscious.

You awoke hours later in a room unknown to you. The walls were an ash grey color, yet the bedsheets were a bright blue on the bed you were laying on. You groaned lowly, stealing glances around the room.

"Wh-where am I?" You whispered softly, pushing your body up into a sitting position on the bed. Your left leg was placed in a cast, as well as your body having multiple bandages wrapped around you, especially on your back, and around your head.

"You're awake! I thought you wouldn't wake up!" A young, male voice was heard on your right. You turned your head to a male, almost your age, looking at least a year or two older than you. He had strawberry blonde hair, and violet eyes. He wore a huge smile on his face, but his eyes held concern in it.

"Huh..Who are you?" You asked wearingly, who was this male, why were you here.

"I'm Gakushu Asano. My father brought you here after saving you from the rubble of that house that you were trapped under!" You blinked, slowly remembering the kid when he asked you our name.

"Gakushu, leave the young girl alone." The male who saved you just hours ago stood in the doorway of the room, his arms grossed. He had dark strawberry hair, and his eyes were almost a reddish purplish color to them. His hair was jelled back, himself wearing a suit and tie. He gave you a gentle smile, though you could see sadness in his eyes, he lost someone, didn't he.

"How are you feeling (Y/n)? I'm Gakuho Asano." Gakuho walked towards you, pulling up a chair next to his son.

"I'm....Fine, thank you for saving me." You pushed the bedsheets off of you, seeing that you were in a long shirt that covered your body, and that you weren't covered in dirt.

"Of course, I couldn't leave a child like you out there. Do your parents know what happened to you?" Your body froze slightly, before your demeanor changed, your eyes becoming cold.

"They were the ones who left in that house." You stated harshly, pushing yourself out of the bed. Gakushu and Gakuho stared at you with sympathy in their eyes.

"I'm so sorry to hear that...How about you stay with us?!" Gakushu's question made you look at him, your eyes widening slightly.

"W-why?" You countered his question with a question. Gakushu blinked, thinking of a way to counter your question, while Gakuho watched the both of you with amusement.

"....So then we can become best friends!" Gakushu gave you a closed eyed smile, which you began to blush at. Your heart sped up slightly at his cuteness, and at how nice he is. He stared at his father, who chuckled at him.

What Am I To You? (Gakushu Asano x Reader) // HIATUSHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin