I watched as the crowd of girls slowly dispersed, gossiping and laughing with each other as they did. They each stopped to bid goodbye to their chosen Hosts, and they all politely replied, but the moment all the girls were gone, the boys began their complaints and teasing. I somehow managed to ignore them until I heard: "I swear, Boss, she was so close to throwing her pencil at your head!"

"Is this true, Isabella?!" shrieked Tamaki as he stomped childishly up to me. I could only blush and avoid his stare. "Oh, the betrayal wounds me! Just now, even Haruhi accused my tears of being fake!" It was then that I noticed that all of the Hosts, aside from Kyoya, all had watery eyes like they were on the brink of tears.

"Oh, dear God," I muttered to myself.

He swooned rather melodramatically. "I, of all people, could never bring myself to use eye drops! My tears have never been more genuine..." his voice trailed off as it became nothing but an annoying, far away drone, and my attention focused on a small figure that moved in the background. Even from that distance, I could tell it was no one I'd ever seen before – her lips and jawline were quite prominent, and she had a pink tinge to her cheeks – but she wore an Ouran uniform.

The twins were next to notice the stranger, instantly sidling up close to her (I still had no idea how they managed to sneak around so much!) and inviting her to join in their antics.

"Stop that, you shady twins, you must be more courteous to our first-time guests. Please, my Princess, don't be afraid." Tamaki had run up at the sight of the girl and taken her chin in his hand, tilting her head up to face him as he always did. "I welcome you to Ouran Academy's Host Club!"

She trembled, her lips pursed, and I knew something bad was coming. My assumption was correct when the young girl shouted, "Don't touch me, you phoney!" I could hear a faint French accent when she spoke, but I held more regard to what she was saying rather than how she was saying it, especially when she began insulting Tamaki.

"I find it hard to believe that someone like you is the Prince character of this Host Club, and you shouldn't spread your love around like it's an STD so easily!" I had to giggle at that one – I was beginning to think that no one around here had the balls to say something so naughty (not including the twins). "You're stupid!"

"You're a dim-witted narcissist!"


"Stupid! A Commoner!"

"You're disgusting!"

While Tamaki flew back into a faint at her words, Kyoya stood off to the side with a concentrated look on his face. He stared at Renge, a thoughtful, dazed gleam in his usually attentive eyes. I would've thought he was attracted to the young girl, but I quickly dismissed the idea. Tamaki fainting in slow-motion: that was somehow achievable. Kyoya falling in love was impossible.

Speak of the devil, Kyoya slowly became aware of the situation and eventually began to say, "I don't suppose you are..."

The strange girl ran forward, her arms open and ready to embrace when she cried, "It's you! Kyoya! My one and only Prince Charming!" She threw her arms around his waist, burying her head in his kimono while he could only look down in shock, thrown off by her sudden hug. Once he composed himself, he awkwardly patted her shoulder, clearing his throat as a signal for her to let go.

"Renge Houshakuji, it's a pleasure to meet you at last." He bowed, gently taking her hand and placing a kiss upon the knuckles, causing her to blush heavily. "I assume you're already aware of my name, but I am Kyoya Ootori." His cheerful tone and smile seemed forced, but I could sense an unfamiliar hidden motive behind his actions.

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