5. The last dance with Patrick Swazye?

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The last dance with Patrick Swazye?

Song for this chapter : Sunrise - Our Last Night

Do a favor for someone you love. It can lift you up of your feet when you see how wide that person smiles.

"My doctor told me to eat more fruit and to take a little walk every day, so I'll become as fit as I used to be." Smiling at her. It is not a true smile because granny knows she won't live long. A couple weeks ago she had felt a heavy cramp in her chest. Two days after the occurrence the doctor told her it was a heart cramp and it wouldn't be the last one. Some days are good and she feels nothing or light cramps once or twice a day, but some days are really bad. Like today for example. She was woken up by a heavy cramp and around 10:00 am she felt an even heavier one. Most of the time the cramps become heavier through the day. That's what makes it worse.

The muscles can't give their all and at some points they give in and that's what causes the pain. The even more cruel thing is that at some points they gave their all and then give in, your heart can't take the blood pressure because it gets too high to control and your heart gives up and, and in the end you die.

Granny didn't know everything just in case she wouldn't die because of knowing, she would die because of how horrible it sounds.

"I am really glad and relieved that there is nothing wrong with you." Granny bites her lip. She was an amazing woman and she could carry the weight of the world on her own if she had to but there was only one thing she couldn't do. Lie "Wait. Grandma there is something wrong. I can see it. It is the way you look. Tell me, I can handle it. Trust me." Granny takes Sasha's left hand in between both of her hands.

"Heart cramps" is softly spoken. Sasha is in shook. Most people live no longer than a month with this injury. "How long was this going on before you went to a doctor?" She asks concerned. "That doesn't matter."

"Sasha, I want you to know" she faces her only grandchild. "If I am gone I want you to behave, be a good person for everyone and everything that lives. I will always be up there. Sometimes I will take a look down at the earth and look at how beautiful you became through the years. I will always listen. If you need me just call my name and I will stand next to you. Holding your hand and patting your back like I always did. I will protect you against all the bad things that are going to haunt you. I'll make sure you are safe, but don't forget me."

Blurying the vision of Sasha. She won't show her grandma that she is weak. She is a big girl and big girls don't cry "Grandma, how can I forget the woman I have been looking up at for all the past years. Thank you for learning me all the life stories you told me. Thank you for listening and thank you for all the beautiful moments and nights we had together. You may be my only grandmother but if I have had more, you'd still be my favorite. I don't know what I would have reached without your thrust and faith in me."

A graceful smile is shared between both women. Granny points to a draw. "In that draw you'll find my last words. If it is really the right time you can open it. But it is not there yet. Even though the pain hurts I will not give up this easy" Sasha softly smiles and shakes her head. Some people never change.

After a while the tension is almost gone and the younger girl dares to speak again. "Grandma, do you have a bucket list? You know, a list with things you want to do before you die" says Sasha and takes a sip from her tea. Granny laughs. "Well honey, I don't but I can easily come up with some things I want to do for the last time. Do you know that movie, Dirty Dancing. I'd love to dance like Baby and Johnny for one last time. Yeah that is what I want to do for the last time." A smile full of excitement and joy comes upon her face. "I am going to arrange that for you. The last dance. With or without the lift?" She playfully teases her grandmother. "Do you see me doing the lift?" Her grandma bursts out in laughter.

"Okay we'll see you at 3 o'clock then. Have a nice day." Sasha hung up. She has reserved a dance room in the retirement home in town where her grandma could dance for the last time and have fun like she used to do. She had even searched for a man who lived there that could dance the Mambo. Her grandmother had learned it years ago and had danced together with her grandfather on Friday nights at the local bar on the music the old jukebox was playing. The bar where they first met. "It was our love at the music."

"Well granny it seems like you have to put on those dance shoes again because we go dancing this afternoon." "Oh really." She gasps in excitement and placed a kiss on Sasha's cheek. "Would you do me a favor?" "Anything." Sasha adds. "Call Alex and ask him as your date. Even a blind cat can see you are in love with him." Her grandma says. "Granny.." Sasha blushes and calls Alex up to see if he has anything to do. He currently doesn't have anything to do because his restaurant opens at 4 and he has already found a new cook so he is not required to be there.

Picking out a light pink dress and helping her grandma putting it on. "Granny you look marvellous." Sasha admits. She loves to see her grandma shine. "And so do you" the old woman adds squeezing her hand.

The old jukebox is playing music as Sasha is sitting on a stool and watches her granny having fun dancing all afternoon with men in leather jackets. It is like Dirty Dancing became reality. "May I take this dance from you?" A low male voice coming from above Sasha. She looks up to see Alex in a leather jacket and a white polo shirt on. She laughs and nods, taking his hand and be leaded to the dancefloor.

"Now I've had the time of my life
No I never felt like this before
Yes I swear it's the truth
and I owe it all to you
'Cause I've had the time of my life
and I owe it all to you"

She hums along the music as she dances with Alex along all the elderly people. Feeling the sparks already blowing out of her stomach. Nuzzling her face into his chest in the end of the song and smelling his scent and a bit if his cologne. She knows she can't feel something for her best friend. But for now she just leaves the sparks there where they belong.


Hehe I really like the vibe of Dirty Dancing. I would love (slightly becoming a little dream) to dance like Baby and Johnny did once too

Maybe it looks a bit different but that's because I asked someone else to check it. My usually "spellingscontrole bae" is on holiday and I didn't want to interupt his peacefull moment. ⭐


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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