Part 1: Bad start on the 1st day

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"Take a deep breath Leslie, its 5th grade it cant be that bad your used to getting in trouble any ways,your seeing your friends as well nothing bad about it" I thought to myself while walking in the school gates. You couldnt see your friend Willow anywhere. You walked around for a while looking for Willow but then you bumped into Grayson. "Ahh!" You shouted "oh gosh I'm so sorry! " Grayson apologised "its ok-GRAYSON!" you screamed with excitement "I missed you so much" you cried "Leslie!?,oh i missed you too!" Gray said hugging me "how was your holidays?" Grayson asked me "ughh boring i never seen my friends, stuck at home, awful weather,the usual" I replied sadly "aww i was gonna invite you to our house party but we werent aloud any girls haha" Grayson laughed "aww!! Man!"

I walked into class with Grayson and I sat next to Amy Heathers,little b***h! The teacher walked in angrily. "Ok everyone hope you had a great holidays now open your maths books" she said while writing on the whiteboard 'open to page 12:fractions' "ughh maths!?on the first day back? stupid teachers" I mumbled "what was that miss Smith?" The teacher questioned me "uhmm nothing" I panicked "I heard you say something now would you like to share it with the class!!??" She raised her voice "uhh" "ohh miss why are we doing fractions instead of multiplication?" Grayson interrupted "well because fractions are more challenging!" The angry teacher replied. I turned to Grayson and we both smiled at eachother,his smile was so gorgeous!funally class was over,felt like forever.

I went into the cafeteria to eat my lunch. I didnt know where Ethan and Grayson were so i just sat alone at a round blue table. I decided to listen to some relaxing music with my earphones. A few minutes passed and someone tapped me on the shoulder, i jumped up and let out a small "Ahh!" "Oh sorry Leslie!" Grayson apologised "It's ok haha" I laughed "uhh are you ok?" Grayson asked "yeah why?" I nervously asked "well,theres guys over there talking about you" Grayson told me "what?" I cried..literally, I put my head down and cried my eyes out. Ethan hugged me gently and told me "Everything will be ok,Graysons dealing with it" Ethan reassured me "what!?" I yelled while looking over and seeing Gray walking towards the bullies,I was in tears cause I knew this was gonna end bad.

Grays P.O.V

I walked over to the bullies to sort this mess out. I'm sick of them hurting Leslie! "Hey guys!wanna explain to me why the FUCK YOUR HURTING MY FRIENDS FEELINGS!" I shouted while everyone turned there heads to us "well what if I dont want to?" Charles said smartly "ooh haha well theres gonna be a problem you asshole!!" I shouted, Charles got really angry and punched me in the face, kicked me in the privates, grabbed my collar and said to me something I will never forget "YOU ARE A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT DOLAN!NOBODY LIKES YOU NOT EVEN LESLIE!YOU MIGHT AS WELL DIE!!" I sure did die when he said that,I couldnt feel anything. I fell to the floor and cried a whole waterfall of tears.

Leslie P.O.V

Grayson fell to the floor as everyone ran out of the room...everyone except Ethan and I. We ran over to Grayson to help him. "Gray I heard what they said and none of it's true,I love you so much,come here" I reassured him while hugging him. Grayson hugged me back and wiped away his tears. I went to the twins apartment early because of what happened.

When our eyes metTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon