The signs in their group of friends

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Aries ♈️ - The one who'll fight whoever messes with them or anyone in the group

Taurus ♉️ - The mature, reliable one

Gemini ♊️ - The bubbly one

Cancer ♋️ - The huggable sweet one

Leo ♌️ - The Queen/ King

Virgo ♍️ - The one who helps with everything

Libra ♎️ - The one creating harmony

Scorpio ♏️ - The lowkey psycho

Sagittarius ♐️ - The sassy one

Capricorn ♑️ - The one with a super dark humor

Aquarius ♒️ - The one who gets too deep into conversations

Pisces ♓️ - The artsy one who shares one side of the headphones with someone

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