Chapter 8 | Alone

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Everyone was currently at Laurel's funeral, and Felicity had never seen Sara more miserable in her life.

It was like she was a completly different person, and in this kind of situation, she didnt need her best friend.

She needed her family.

The most important people in her life.

The ones who loved her years before Felicity, Oliver, Thea, and the cheerleaders ever did.

Before everyone went to the church, all of Laurel's immidiate family was put into a room where they can just grieve.

This left everyone who wasnt immidiate family outside of that room, Oliver seated between Felicity and Thea.

"How are you doing?" Oliver asked Thea.

"I'm okay."

She gave Oliver a sign, letting him know it was okay to just talk to Felicity if he wanted.

"I'm doing fine Oliver," Felicity started to say before he even asked.

"When Sara told me about Laurel, I just felt so bad for her. I wanted to just hug her and hold her hand and tell her everything was gonna be okay. Not in a lesbian kind of way obviously because I'm not a lesbian I like you."

Felicity covered her mouth.

Did she really just say that? Out loud? Did she actually just say that out loud?

Thea was quietly laughing on the other side of them, freaking out as if she was watching a movie with a plot twist.

Felicity got lucky when Sara and her family exited that room, and it was time to leave the building.

After the funeral, none of Sara's friends could talk to her for the rest of the day, as she was out to lunch with her family and then relaxing after everything that happened.

Felicity sat on her bed with her headphones in, and she just listened to music. For about 2 hours. She didnt know what to do with herself or who to talk to. And all her homework was already done.

But then she got a call, it was from Thea. She wasn't expecting it, however she still answered anyway.


"Hey, do you want to come over?"

Thea was probably just as lonely as her right now. No one to talk to, no one to hang out with.

But she couldn't go over to the Queen's. Not after telling Oliver what she told him. It would just be too awkward.

So she had to decide. Which would be worse? Leaving Thea alone or dealing with the fact that Oliver was going to be in the same house as her for a couple hours?

"Yeah, sure. Should I come right now?"


"Okay see you in like 5 minutes."

Felicity hung up first and the call ended.

Thea had to tidy up parts of her room if she was going to have company in it. Yes, this included taking down a couple of her posters.

Afterwards she went into the bathroom and quickly ran a brush through her hair so she could be a little more satisfied with her look.

Felicity arrived soon enough, and Thea could tell she was nervous walking in for obvious reasons.

All she wanted to was spend time in Thea's room. No going outside, No watching tv in the living room, no going down for a snack.



"Eventually we're gonna have to go downstairs. You can't hide from my brother forever. It was one moment at a funeral. A funeral meaning we were all emotional. You cant let a single moment bother you forever."

Felicity rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry. I guess we can go somewhere."

Thea smiled. "Good."

As soon as they got into the living room, Oliver started talking to the two girls.

"Of course" Felicity thought to herself, as Oliver asked Thea where they were going.

"We're just going to get some ice cream. Want to come with?"

"Do you even know me? Of course I want to come with." Oliver said.

The three of them got into Oliver's car. Him driving, Felicity in the passenger seat, and Thea making noise from the back.

Felicity was right there next to Oliver, and all he wanted to do was tell her he felt the same way. But then he remembered that Thea, who tends to fangirl, was straight behind them.

He noticed that they were now pulling up to the ice cream place, and he just couldn't wait to say the thing that he's been wanting to say for the longest time.

"Thea, would you mind running in and getting the ice cream for us? We hate to make you do it, but we kind of want a minute alone..."

Thea gave a little smile. "Okay Cinderella, okay prince charming, I guess I'll be right back."


I'm so sorry this is sort of a filler chapter, and a shorter one, but I'll be making up for everything in the next chapter don't worry.

Leave a like and comment if you want it sooner, love you guys!


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