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Chapter three - mysterious brown eyes

I was ready to leave for the 15 minute drive ahead when my phone had an alert.
Im at the place, looking forward to seeing you there.

i know it sound stupid but it felt like my heart skipped a beat, I don't know whether its because when I'm nervous I get like this. Or it could be he fact hat ive never been o a proper date without Charles spoiling it with our 'employees'. I kind off felt bad on the boy we were only 15 and the next week at a party he looked a mess. That was the beginning when no boys would come near me, until now Taylor. I guess its because he docent know the dangers of dad and Charles. I had been given a white Mercedes convertible by Charles as he incited that it would be more sufficient than riding a 'cab' everyday and more 'safer'. I had eventually arrived at the restraunt and it was rather fancy, like the ones in London on mount street. I walked in and asked the nicely dressed lady if anyone by the name of Taylor was here. She escorted me over to him, he had blonde messy hair, blue eyes and tanned skin. He was sat not so perfectly in his black suit. He looked up and noticed me while tucking his phone away in his pocket. "Im glad you decided to come" I smiled at him as he pulled my chair out for me. "Can I get you anything to drink miss?" The lovely lady that escorted me over asked.
"Can I have a martini please?"
"Of course" and with that she had a martini brought over for me.
"So lily was telling me you'r from London, what made you want to move to la?" after this question the lies just started to roll off of my tongue.
"I used to visit when I was younger with my family and I love it here" I take a sip of my drink "are you from la then?" I know I couldn't tell him the full reason why I left Chelsea, I didn't want to scare him away. "I wish" and with a slight chuckle he continued  "I'm actually from Toronto, but moved here to work with my friend" Toronto huh. I remember watching my first hockey game with dad there. I fell I love with it.
"Oh what does your friend do?" I was curious by this point and rather fascinated to find out.
"He's a signer, Im his drummer"
"I would've never guessed that" we both laugh as the waitress brings another round of drinks over. "I can't drink this" I say, Taylor looks at me in a confused way. "What do you mean?"
"I brung my car with me" but now I'm totally regretting it I'm dying for this martini. Don't stress yourself though I'm not an alcoholic.
"Ill pick you up tomorrow and bring you to collect it" the thought seemed reasonable "anyway id love to bring you to a party tonight" I wasn't too sure what to say and then I just heard Charles words 'this is your adventure' "sure why not, pass me my drink" and with that we laughed more and more and carried on drinking. "You ready to head to the party?" I nodded and we headed outside into a 'cab' as these Americans call it.  The ride was around about 10 minutes and we were in the 'mountains' where all the big homes are. Pretty nice if you ask me. "So who's party is this then?"
"My friends who I work with" everything clicked when he said that.
"Wait so were going to your friends party that's a signer?" He laughed at how excited I became.
"Don't get to excited es just a normal guy like me. Nothing special."

We pulled up outside of a condo and it looked alive. You could hear music ontop of music and beer cans covered the floor. We walked in and Taylor tree to hold my hand but I moved it away. The song by ,Calvin Harris, feel so close' came on and a guy called Andrew came over to greet us. "Hey Taylor, who's this?" I smiled politely at the an who wasn't as intoxicated as most of the people here. "This is rendall my date" and with the Taylor left me and walked away with Andrew. wow great he's left me to go and do god knows what and I don't have a clue who anyone is. I passed through crowded groups and made my way to the kitchen to find a drink. I stood with my back against the sink watching what was going on around me. drinkg my champaign I noticed Taylor come over towards me. "You alright babe?" He wrapped his arms around me, trying to locate my lips. No one was watching for help. "Taylor what are you doing?" He smirked and looked down at me, considering he is taller. "You know you've wanted to kiss me all night. Don't deny it" and as he said that a tear fell down my check and he forcefully kissed me. Dad always told me what to do if ever in this situation. "Kick him where it hurts" and as I remembered that I booted Taylor in the balls and ran back through the crowded rooms. I had red rose eyes and tears covering my red face. As I got to the door I bumped into someone. Preparing myself to fall to the ground, but I didn't. Whoever bumped into caught me. I was just praying it wasn't Taylor. I looked up cringing incase it was him. But it wasn't. I got lost in the most craziest brown eyes I have ever seen. "Wow" he said while looking down into my crystal blue eyes.they tend o get more aqua blue when I cry, so I guess that's kind off an advantage. "Are you okay?" At this point I was being held in this mysterious mans arms. He looked about 2 years older than me and rather familiar. "Yeah im fine" I say while sobbing. He kept his eyes on mine and they were full of sorrow and guilt for me. "Come on, come with me" and with that he garbed a hold of my right hand and hugged his arm tightly around my back while we walked. We passed all of the loud crowds and drunken mess until we reached a door with no one in sight we entered. The door opens and I see guitar after guitar. There is a box with a microphone inside and a control board attached to it, a thing slice of glass separating the two. In the corner of the room was a piano and on the walls were records and album covers. Facing the box with a microphone in it is a  brown leather sofa and a coffee table. He moved his hand in a signal for me to sit down. "What's happened to you?" His voice even softer than before "just a stupid guy I guess" I shrug my shoulders acting like I don't care when there are tears streaming down my face. "Your okay now. Whats his name?" A small sob escapes my lips "Taylor" I look up at him and bite my lip. "Its alright don't worry i'll sort it out" he knew that nothing escalated but he knew that something did happen that made me this upset. And what does he mean sort it out? He can't be like dad and Charles can he? Wait... I don't even know his name. "What is your name?" He looks at me full of confusion "you don't know who I am?" When he says that his face literally lights up and I shake my head "n-no" I feel like I should know and I feel Asia im being rude but I honestly don't know. "I've seen you before but I can't put my finger on it" I confess "im Shawn" he moves closer to me "Shawn who?" He chuckles at my comment and then replies with the most unexpected words you could ever hear "Mendes"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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