The librarian turned to a row and reached for a ladder and pointed up.
"First few rows should have books about what you're looking for."

You went up the ladder and reached the first row and pulled out books on the subject and descended. Delbert was at the front desk, this time with a book to check out.

"Ah! I see you've got something that interested you," he said rather loudly, which earned him a harsh shushing. You placed the books next to his.

"You wouldn't mind checking these out for me would you?"

"Of course not! I could never say no to books!"

"SHHH!" The librarian pressed her finger to her lips as she stamped the books.

You left the library and asked to stop by a shop that sells bags for travel. You bought yourself a nice knapsack and placed your items inside.

By the time Delbert brought you and Stygian back to the inn, it was early in the afternoon. You thanked and waved goodbye to him before entering the inn.

You looked around for Sarah, but couldn't find her in the room. Few customers looked impatient as they waited for food or orders. You frowned, knowing well that Sarah wouldn't just leave her customers waiting like that. Where could she be?

You poked your head in the kitchen. A creature with multiple arms was cooking food, but she wasn't in there either.

You looked at Stygian. "Where is she?"

You leaned away and turned to a set of stairs. You placed a foot on the first step, thinking to go up and look for her when you heard shouting.

"Jim! Where are you going?"


A second voice spoke. "I'm just going to take my solar surfer for a spin."

You finally saw a person on the second floor as he descended. It was a boy, a teenager most likely. His head was down and didn't notice you. His brown hair was parted in the middle with a rattail at the back. He had his hands in his black jacket.

Something about him screamed rebellious.

His head finally turned your direction and he did a double take.

You were startled at how much his face resembled Sarah's. Could this be her son? He stopped, midstep and stared at you with wide blue eyes. You noticed an earring in his left ear.

Sarah appeared behind him in hot pursuit. "Jim! I need you here."

Sarah suddenly noticed you and widened her eyes. Her face was full of embarrassment as she realized you must've heard everything.

"Oh! I didn't expect you to be back so soon." She quickly descended and came to you, facing back to the boy. "Jim, I'd like you to meet our new employee. She'll be sleeping in the bedroom across yours for a while."

Jim seemed to stand frozen in the middle of the stairs, not knowing how to respond. He looked back and forth between you and Stygian in judgement. You didn't doubt he'd be shocked to see a space dragon.

Sarah gestured at James as she spoke to you. "Meet James. He's my son. I'm sorry for the argument you heard earlier."

You smiled back. "Don't worry, Sarah. Teenagers, they can be a handful." You snuck a glimpse at Jim, just in time to see him scowl at your comment.

Sarah turned to Jim. "I want you to show her to the room while I take care of the customers, okay?"

Jim rolled his eyes and let out a long sigh. "Alright. Follow me-" His eyebrows drew in momentarily -"new employee." He turned and went up the flight of stairs without another word.

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