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Fear. Utter chaos swallowing up humanity as we know it. War, famine, death, and pestilence wreaking havoc upon a once thriving society. A series of judgments being thrown down upon man for their sinful deeds, and only those washed by the Blood of the Lamb spared from the suffering that will befall the world, turning it into a place of complete desolation. This tribulation coming as a tidal wave on a seemingly unknowing world. Like a thief in the night, in the twinkling of an eye. The earth splitting at our feet, and the things that fill our nightmares coming up from the now opened gates of the abyss. Darkness enveloping any source of purity and light left in a place already filled with evil.

A simple peace-loving leader on the outside, yet on the inside he is a raging beast. A beast set out with a goal of complete destruction. A world without God in one of the most terrifying times History has ever witnessed. A world so set in the way of sin, the chance of redemption dims every second that the people wait to call upon the Lord. Do not let your hearts become so hardened, that you cannot change your mind even when you realize that you have been wrong the entire time. Lift your heads to the sky, O ye children of the Lord, for your redemption draws near, and the great and awesome day of the Lord is on the horizon. Woe to those who do not have Christ in their hearts. For the devil is like a lion set out to devour his prey. He is angry, for he knows he has little time.

When the day comes, who will be prepared? Who will be raptured? Redeemed? Those who wait on the Lord. Who will not? Those who wish to live for the world rather than live for Christ.

By Kataryna Denna

April 2, 2014

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