part three

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It had been around four hours since Mr and Mrs Roberts left the house and I was sitting watching tv. I had sat Brahms on the chair opposite sat I mean slung him ober the arm of the chair. It felt uncomfortable the whole time I was sitting there. I felt like it was staring at me, like it was trying to figure me out. I couldnt concentrate on the program I was watching so I got a blanket and covered it up. That night I left it there on the chair because I was so tired. I didnt sleep well that night.

In the morning I woke up to the sound of hummingbirds and sparrows singing. I put on my dressing gown and made my way down the Grand staircase towards the kitchen. I stopped and suddenly felt the urge to go and check on Brahms. I walked into the sitting area and stumbled towards the chair in which I left him. I lifted up the blanket. He wasnt there. I started to panic. What happened last night? I swore I had left him on the seat!
" okay breath your not crazy. I probably moved it before I went to bed." I said my voice wavering a little.  "Maybe I put him to bed?"
I went upstairs to go into his room. It was quite a dark corridor and at the end of it there was a window. I turned to the left door, that lead to Brahms room, and looked around. He was sitting up in his bed fully clothed. A little confused, I picked him up and I took him with me everywhere I went that day. Just in case.

But something strange happened that night. Something I will never forget. Just making me think about it makes me so terrified that it could be watching me right now. Oh god. Its coming. I can hear it. Please help me I dont want to look after him anymore.

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