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Later in the night, after they had finished the movie, they laid in in bed trying to go to sleep, but instead ended up just talking about random stuff and staring up at the ceiling. They would talk for hours about thing that didn't even matter, just so they could spend a bit more time together.

Tonight, they were having a lighthearted conversation about Star Wars that turned a bit more serious.

"All I'm saying is Finn and Poe are totally getting together in the next movie."

"Really? I don't know," Steve hesitated, "seems like fanservice."

"Fanservice?" Snot rolled eyes, "it's not our fault that we can see past the thin veil of 'friendship' they put up. There's obviously feelings there."

"You really think so? I don't see it." Steve stated

Snot groaned in minor annoyance. "What if they do? You know, make it official in the next movie?"

"So what if they do?" Steve shrugged to himself, "It's not that a big deal." Snot smiled to himself, pleased with the answer.

They let a comfortable silence settle between them as the time neared one a.m. Steve was trying hard to fall asleep, but Snot was having a bit of trouble. His mind was going a mile minute and he just couldn't calm down. He really wanted to tell Steve what was going on with him, but he was terrified. What if he thought differently of him? No, Snot reminded himself, that wasn't like him, Steve was sweet, and understanding, and accepting. He wouldn't care.

Would he?

Snot took a deep breath, he opened his mouth as if he were beginning to say something, but nothing came out. He struggled for what seem like forever, and then decided not to tell him all together, there would probably be a better time to bring this up.

 But of course the world wasn't about to let him get away with that.

"Hey, Buddy?" Steve whispered, "I know you said you didn't want to tell me yet, but." He paused and took a moment to find the right words, "I just really want you to know that you can trust me. With anything."

Snot supposed this was as good a time as any, all he had to do was just say two little words. Not a big deal. "Steve, I'm-" He faltered, struggling with the following words "I'm bi."

Steve eyes widened, "What?"

"I'm bisexual," Snot started, "It means I like girls, and guys." he said the last part a bit quieter, eyes firmly glued to the ceiling. He was too scared to look over and possibly see the look on Steve's face in the moonlight.

"I know what that means, I- I've just never thought of you... like that." Steve was bit surprised, he just never really thought of sexuality much before.

"Like what?" Snot could feel a bit of anger rising up inside of him, and immediately regretted telling Steve. "You've never thought of me as possibly queer?" In reality, Snot wasn't completely angry at him, more scared to lose his best friend.

"No, I guess I've never thought of sexuality much at all." Steve shrugged and continued, "But that's cool." It was honestly a bit weird to Steve, the thought of being able to like both girls and guys. He was never really introduced to the idea much before, his father always told him that you're either straight or you gay, no in between. Once when he was younger he asked his father why roger kissed girls and boys. His father told him that Roger was special because he was an alien, and only aliens could do that, it was wrong for humans to try it. Thank god his father had changed a bit since then.

Snot took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and relaxed. What was he so worried about before? He should have known that he wouldn't just freak out and leave him like that. Steve was his best friend! Snot felt bad for doubting him, he really was a nice guy. Everything was going to be okay.

"Um, Snot? I hope you don't mind me asking, but how do you, you know, know?" Steve was really glad it was too dark in the room to see the blush that was slowly creeping to his cheeks.

"I don't really know, I mean, I've always liked girls. And one day I started having feeling for a guy," Snot let out a shaky breath, "It was a little confusing at first, I still liked girls, so I obviously wasn't gay. But still I really like this guy. Eventually I talked to that one girl in chemistry, you know the one that started the GSA at school, and I kinda came out to her on accident when we were dissecting frogs. She said that I could be bi, guess she was right." Snot shrugged at the end to make it come off as if he were more relaxed than he actually was.

Steve just nodded, pretending to be satisfied with the answer, but on the inside he was panicking. Snot's experience was starting to sound a lot like his own. Steve's always known that he likes girls, but sometimes he looks at Snot and his heart flutters and his stomach drops. Sometimes when snot smiles he gets those dumb butterflies. And sometimes when their alone in his room he just wants to kiss him. well, fuck.

Steve couldn't do this. He couldn't have a crush on Snot. They're best friends, that could completely ruin their friendship! And what would his father say? He'd be so freaked out that he'd never let him see Snot, or any other boy for that matter, again. Shit, Steve couldn't handle this right now, he needed a minute.

Steve made sure that Snot was sound asleep and quietly got out of the bed and down the hallway to the bathroom. He turned on the lights and firmly shut the door, making sure to lock it so Roger didn't barge in to bother him. He stared in the mirror, looking himself in the eyes and thinking to himself. What if he really did like Snot, just like Roger said? What if he really was bi? Why was this freaking him out so much?

He turned around to face the wall behind him. He exhaled the breath he didn't know he was holding, and ran his hands through his hair. He needed to calm down, this wasn't that big of a deal. 

Steve exited the bathroom, turning the light off before closing the door. Walked slowly back to his room, silently praying to himself not to bump into Roger on his way. Roger would definitely bring up his and Snot's 'relationship' again and he just wasn't ready for it.

Steve opened the door to his room, quietly tip toeing to his bed so he didn't wake up his best friend. He crawled genitally in bed and turned to his sleeping best friend. Steve hated to admit it but he was kind of jealous of Snot right now. He actually knew his sexuality, and he was perfectly okay with it! 

Steve turned onto his back and took a deep breath, he would figure it out. It was all okay.

It was all okay.

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