Little Do You Know

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I walk out of school, trying to find my bus number. I approach the bus, it's number 7 and Carter is already on it sitting next to.....Gwen I think her name is? I sit at an empty seat in the way front trying to avoid Montey and Max. I can kind of over hear Carter and Gwens conversation...I think it's about Carter going over her house and Max will be there and that's a terrible idea. My thoughts about the whole situation come to a halt as the bus arrives at my stop. I'm the first off, I'm waking down the bus stairs and Montey is behind me. He grabs my book bag, pulls me back the pushed me off the stairs. My whole body crashed to the ground, my hand and elbow scraped and bleeding. I couldn't help it....the tears came flooding out. That's when I heard laughing and fast footsteps. A hand landed on my back and the bus drove away. "Oh my god...Michael w-what happened are you alright?!?" Carter asked me frantically, helping me up, dusting the dirt off me. "Um nothing I tripped thanks though I'll see you tomorrow" I told her and walked up the stairs to my house.

I walk in my house, note on the table reading "work needed me today, sorry but dinners in the fridge-mom" and once again I'm home alone. I know tons of kids would feel lucky if their parents were never at home but not me. Since the whole school basically decided I'm a piece of garbage they can step on I don't really have many friends. I have 3 friends but they go to the rich school across town and we only really hang on weekends. So that leaves me sitting at lunch with Ernie and Zachary. I'm not judging but they're kind of gross with food, but anyways I walk upstairs and go into my room. I take my hoodie off and put on sweat pants and an old green day t-shirt and turn on my x-box.
I'm playing for about 3 hours now and my phone's Carter. She said "hey🙂" so I responded "hey🙃" we started talking about Friday and how she did not want to go to Gwens house tonight. But as lots of things do, the conversation ends cause she had to go shower. It's about 7:00pm now so I pull out my books for homework and finish my LA, the only work I had for the day and turn on the x-box again.

I get in the car with my dad because he offered to drive me over Gwens house. It was only a five minute walk but I'm lazy. We pull up and I get out saying bye to my dad and shutting the door and him driving back home. My heart is racing, I don't like Max he's a prick and I don't really want to be here. But I knocked on her door. Gwen answers "hey Carter come on in!" He told me acting as if I was such a great surprise. We walk into the living room and there he is playing on his phone. "Do you want a drink?" She asked me "Um waters fine" I answered as she walked into the kitchen. "Hey" Max said "hi" I responded after a long pause, it's very uncomfortable in this room. "So I don't know why she thought this was a good idea..." he told me "why do you think that" I asked "well we don't get along very well you know" he said with a negative vibe "and why don't we get along Max? Cause last I checked it was cause everytime I pass you at school you have a snag remark to say about me?" I said calmly "whatever your choice if you don't want to be friends" he said "please be friends with someone who bullies people for no reason? No thanks" I said as Gwen came back in.

"What's going on in here?" She asked "nothing I think I'm going to head home see you tomorrow Gwen" I responded rushing out the door leaving her confused as ever. I walk down the street, tears streaming down my face. Little does anyone know the hell that boy had put me through. Ever since 6th grade all the comments, the laughing when I pass. I'm done with it and if Gwen wants it date him....I'm done with her. I finally get home and rush upstairs. My windows open and across is Michels house, he's sleeping, so can anyone make fun of him? It makes me sad just thinking of it. I close my drapes and lay in bed, hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.

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