Cait | You better work, bitch!

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Caitriona Emerson rolled onto the LAX tarmac in a private jet, wearing head to toe Alexander McQueen, like a bawse. Earl folded his paper and cocked a wrist, flashing a stunning vintage Rolex she'd bought him for Christmas last year—because that's what awesome roomies and besties did for one another.

That, and invite the other to tag along when flying out for business on a private jet on the company's dime.

Cait stuffed a hardcover copy of Textrovert into her purse—a summer beach read that Isobel had raved about and sent copies to all the Sisters with threats of bodily harm if they didn't devour them immediately.

At first she'd thought its bright coral and tangerine cover would at least make an awesome accessory with her outfit, but while reading it to kill time on a transatlantic flight, decided that Lindsey Summers aka was a goddess.

And at some point while in LA, Cait was going to track her down and hug tackle her like the good little fangirl that she now was.

"Merd," Earl groaned through a stretch, arms winging high and rumpled sandy blond hair, almost dislodging his chunky blue frames in the process. "I hate that I can never get a decent sleep on a plane. Even an expensive jet, it seems."

"I told you to bring sleeping pills," Cait admonished, sliding—yes, McQueen—shades onto her heart-shaped face. Her short cap of hair, dazzling rose gold, was styled in tousled voluminous waves that added at least three inches to her paltry five-two, already jacked up another five inches thanks to her heels.

"You know how much I hate pharmaceuticals." His pouty lips pouted even more in protest.

The cabin door opened and the stewardess reappeared, dressed in an expensive suit that made the variety worn by United Airlines look like it was made by Abercrombie & Fitch.

"The captain would like to advise that we are clear for de-boarding, is there anything I can assist you with before you exit the plane?"

"No, I think we're good." Cait stood, gathering the handle of her carry-on, the smallest of her three overstuffed suitcases.

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