Chapter 3: The Monster

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[There are certain words in this chapter that may not appeal to some readers. Be warned.]

Marie was terrified at the sight that crashed through the doors of the chapel. It was a hideous creature that appeared to have some of the bride's features. It had... A dress on? And red glowing eyes that would scare the most brave of heroes. The most noticeable thing about the horrifying monster though was, it's size. It easily stood about 20-30 feet tall.

It was then, Marie realized what the creature was, a succubus. It wasn't a normal one though, most succubi are what men would call attractive and what women would call slutty. This succubus in particular was a horrific sight, but considering all the drooling males in the building, their point of view was entirely different. It had even gotten to John. Marie was furious now, not only had this hideous creature ruin an amazing day for her brother, it was also making her boyfriend drool over it. She had to slap him, to get him back into reality. He was confused when she hit him, and realized what was happening. "M-marie... What is that beauti-" She slapped him again, her face glowing as red a tomato. "Don't you dare call that thing beautiful! It's a monster, John! Can't you see that?" John looked completely confused at what she was saying, because he was seeing something entirely different. "Marie, are you jealous of her?" He said, giggling. Marie was disgusted. "It should not be called a she!" She protested, making John only giggle more.

Women were screaming, children were crying, and men were drooling. Every woman was just as furious as Marie, because their husbands were drooling over the disgusting monster, but, only she could do something about it. Marie searched for a sword, a bow and arrow, anything, but couldn't find a single weapon. She yelled in anger, and threw her hands in the air. Then, she realized the creature was heading in her brother's direction, and began to panic. It looked hungry, not devour an entire pig hungry, but suck the souls out of every man in the building hungry. She was at the front of the chapel in seconds, but did not know what to do. Henry was even drooling over the creature. She then had an idea.

"Hey! You disgusting demon! Down here! Yeah! Here's the most handsome man in the kingdom! Come and get em'!" She looked at Henry, who only seem to nod slowly, with wide eyes, as the creature approached. It began to shrink its form down, into a normal human size. "Ahh, yesss..." It hissed when it had finished shrinking, "My handsome groom." "What?" Marie said. The creature only laughed, "What? You foolish girl! I am his bride!" "N-no you're not!" Marie stammered. The creature laughed evilly at her, "You couldn't tell, Marie?" Marie stared wide-eyed at the creature, 'it was right', she said in her head, 'that is Angy... That explains the.. the dress!' Marie was steaming with anger now, it had tricked her brother! How had neither of them see it before?! She thought for a second, 'all those hints, I see it now! Ugh! How could I be so.. so.. Stupid!' Marie finally came out of thought, but only to see the monster had grown to its horrendous size again, and had scooped up her, still drooling, brother.  It was taking him away! She had to do something! But, it was too late, the monster had already broken a window, and flew off with her brother. Leaving Marie angry.

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