"My car is this way"

The twins walked ahead and I turned to Maddy.

"Let's get something to eat?" I suggested.

"Of course, do you have anything in mind?"

"Tacos" I replied.

"Like authentic tacos or the ones with the hardshell?"

"Authentic" I told him.

"Ok, good because I know a place"

I smiled and followed them to her car.

"You can sit in the front"

"Thank you" I said to Noah

Nathan cleared his throat.

"No funny business"

I nodded as they both did the 'Watching you' gesture. Once we were in the car, Maddy unbuttoned her jersey to reveal a loose floral blouse.

"Put on your seatbelt, both of you"

Once two clicks were heard from the back, Maddy turned her car on. She began backing the car out of it's parking spot.

"So are you going to hold Maddy's hand?"

I smiled as Maddy sighed.

"Will it both either of you?" I wondered.

I turned to look at them. As identical as they were, I was able to differentiate them through eye color. Nathan had the same hazel colored eyes as Maddy, where as Noah's were a little darker. It was Noah who looked at me.

"I'd be offended if you didn't"

"Can't let that happen" I replied.

I looked at Maddy who was shaking her head.

"Only because it will give them a good impression of you"

She took my hand and continued driving.

"So Cody, have you ever been convicted of a crime?"

"No" I answered.

"You sure? Cause that background check our dad is doing will say all"

I raised an eyebrow.


Nathan smiled.

"I thought you knew"

Maddy gave my hand a light squeeze.

"He's joking and if he isn't then Mike will hear it from me"

I nodded slowly. 

"Mike is a detective"

That made sense...it also meant he was a cop.

"But I can assure you that no background check will happen"

"I sure hope not, it'd be a waste of time" I stated.

I smiled at her and shrugged.

"I'm a pretty open book" I confessed.


I gave her hand a gentle squeeze as she took a deep breath.

"So why do you wear the number 35?"

"My dad actually wore 35 when he played in the majors" I answered.

Nathan hummed, and Noah spoke up,

"You know Maddy used to wear 35 too"

I did know that.

"Why did you wear 35?" I asked.

I was honestly curious to know.

"It was actually the number given to me. My sophomore year I had the option of changing the number, but I decided not to"

She wore it for the National Team as well.

"When I got my first National Team call up I was given 35 as well. I used to wear 2 when I was in High School and although that number wasn't being used I decided to go with 35 because everything was going well for me"

I nodded. 

"Maddy tells me you both play baseball" i began saying.


Maddy glanced up at the rear view mirror and said something to them in Spanish. I understood some Spanish since some of the guys did speak it in the clubhouse and I had also taken two years of Spanish in High School. She told Nathan to behave to which he replied,

"I am"

She just shook her head.

"I'm sorry"

"It's alright" I assured her. 

I let go of her hand when she shut off the car. The twins got out of the car and she turned to me as I heard all the doors lock.

"I forgot to do something last night?"

"What?" I asked.

I felt her hand on my cheek and I realized what was going on.

"Oh, in that case...proceed" I told her.

She laughed and I closed my eyes as our lips met. Not even her brothers could ruin this moment.  

A/N: They finally kissed!

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