Dylan: but I want to. 

Amelia: what would your friends think

Dylan: who cares

*Amelia smiles*

He puts his arms on her waist and she puts her arms around his neck and they dance *

Amelia; you know you look familiar

Dylan: we have art and Spanish together

Amelia: wait really

Dylan: it's cool I'm Dylan

Amelia: Amelia nice to officially meet you.

Dylan smiles*

Her friends finally come out

Emily: where's Amelia

Ashley; guys look

Emily takes a photo they look cute come on let's go get her something to drink and leave them be.

When the song was over Emily had the best time and handed her a drink

Amelia: do you wanna hang out with us I mean only if you want

Dylan: actually yeah let me just tell my friends

Emily; he's cute

Amelia: shh

He comes back and they walk around they get cotton candy

Dylan: so question what's your favorite color

Amelia: blue what about yours

Dylan : green

Amelia: okay what's your favorite subject

Dylan: art

Amelia: interesting

Dylan: what's your favorite ice cream

Amelia: strawberry

Dylan; mine to

they go on some rides she screams and he grabs her hand *

For a few minutes she forgot that she was sick after the ride she starting coughing and throwing up Dylan grabbed her hair as she threw up Emily

Amelia: I'm so embarrassed

Dylan: don't worry about it

Emily; maybe I should take you home

Dylan: actually could I

Emily; can I trust you with her life

Amelia: emily it's fine

Dylan holds her hand as they walk  to his car and he's driving her home

Amelia: We spent a few hours together and you haven't asked me or even mentioned it

I loved her Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora