Chapter 11

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Kay I'm ending this shit story lol. This is the last chapter bye.


One week later (end of school year) *yes I know this doesn't make sense but let's fast forward here lmao.

"So, it's Louis." Harry tells my over the phone.

"Yeah." I tell him. I feel awful about saying this, but it had to be down. I couldn't lead Harry on like this.

"Well, he's one lucky guy. But if things don't work out, you know where to find me." He says.

I chuckle. "I'll keep that in mind. Bye Harry."


I turn off my cell and pack up more of the boxes. The play went amazingly, and everything was spot on. Theater was an amazing experience and it really opened my mind. And heart.

"Ready, babe?" Louis called out, leaning against the door.

I sighed, looking around the empty classroom. I remember the Wicked poster and broadway programs lined up on the walls. So many memories I'd take with me. I gave Louis a smile.

"I can't believe we're going to the Bahamas." I pulled him into a hug and gave him a kiss.

"I'm stoked." He laughed. "I can't wait to see you in your bikini."

I playfully slapped his arm. "Whatever."

And we headed out, the rest of our lives only just beginning.

This is the end of crushed! This story was terrible lol u have to agree. I didn't want to delete t began I'd written a lot so I left it with a really short, terrible final chapter.

Now PLEASE check out my actually good stories like 'Life as we Know it' and 'Deadly' (deadly Is new but idk if I'll continue.) also check out The Girlfriends. I do have some stories I'm writing that I haven't published yet (Aspirations, Bubblegum, Wait, What?*mostly just for me to work on*) so yeah...but I'm trying to improve my writing so I'd rly appreciate feedback! I love getting comments so def do that!



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