Spiderman Homecoming - Imagine (WARNING SPOILER ALERT)

Start from the beginning

"Peter!?" You scream. 

"Who, who's there?" He says.  You finally see him down under the pile of concrete cubes and see his face. He was bleeding really bad.

"Wha - what, y/n? How'd you find me here?" He said.

"Peter hold on!" He was breathing really hard and he couldn't catch his breath. Your heart pounded with fear as you couldn't pick up the boulders.

"Peter, I . . i can't pick them up," You cry.  "I'm so sorry. I can't help you." Hot tears feel down your cheeks as you realized Peter might die tonight. And you were here to watch it. 

"Y/n - ," Peter said trying to calm himself as he talked to you. "Its . . .ah . . .its  not your fault." He struggles to wiggle his way out but he screams in pain. 

"Peter! Peter stop! I can't bare to watch you suffer like this." You crawl as close as you can to him and hold his shaking hand. 

"Y/n? What - what are you doing?" Peter looks into your eyes.

"Peter, the only one that can get you out of this is you." You say rubbing his hand.

"But, but I can't." he says.

"Yes .  you .  can! I believe in you . . .Spiderman." You say with a smirk. He looks up at you in shock. 
"How did you - ?"

"Well when you put all the pieces together I guess it makes sense. And whenever you disappeared it, spiderman Appeared. And also Ned."

"Ohhh I'm gonna kill him." Peter said but not in a literally way of course.

"Come on Peter. You can do this!" You say.  He nods and starts to grit his teeth trying to push up. He pushes up and quickly gets under it so he can push up with his arms.

"Come on spiderman!" He screams to himself. The giant block was almost off of him now. You couldn't believe your eyes as you saw it roll over and he could stand up now. His chest rose up and down from exhaustion. But he looked back at you and smiled. You grinned so hard and ran to him wrapping your arms around his neck which stunned him a little bit.

"You did it! I knew you could!" You bury your head in his warm shoulders and start to cry with joy. You could feel him smile as he put his arms around you tightly. 

Suddenly, you hear a loud noise from outside and you brake apart. 

"I have to go, Y/n. I have to stop him!" Peter says starting to run.

"Wait," You say running after him. "I'm coming with you!" He stops and turns around.

"No, you can't come with me!" He says.

"Why?" You say arms crossed.

"Because, " He takes a deep breath " I . . . like . . . .you. " He stutterers. 

"I know." You smile. He looks at you shocked.

"You do?" 

"You're terrible at keeping secrets." You say.

"Yeah but I kept being Spiderman a secret for a long time," He says. "But . . .if anything happened to you . . .or if you got hurt or . .," he paused. "I could never forgive myself.
" Peter,"
"No! Please. I can't let you come with me." He says.
"Okay . . you win this time." You say smiling a little.
"Thank you." Peter says and starts running. You felt a bad feeling inside and knew that something bad could happen. You needed to do this one thing.
"Peter! Wait!" You say running to him again. But before he could even stop to turn around you already had him in your grasp and your lips were locked on his. He let go and stared at you nervously.
"Did you just kiss me?" He asked eyes wide. 

"Oh, i'm sorry. I thought you'd like it." You say looking down.

"Are you kidding? My dream girl just kissed me!" He said and brought you in for another kiss. You both passionately kissed for some time until you both had to stop to take a breath. 

"Wow, you are such a good kisser." You say.

"So are you." You smile touching his soft, fluffy hair. 

"I have to go now." Peter says sadly. 

"Okay." You sigh. He gives you a hug and then starts to walk the other direction.

"Be careful. Please." You say with worry in your eyes.

"I promise . . .i will come back to you." He says with a smile and runs off to fight the Vulture.

~A/n~ Here it is!!!! I feel like it wasn't that good though but I had an idea and i had to write it down. :) Did you guys like it? I'm gonna write more SH imagines though so this isn't the only one :D Tell me what you think! xoxox

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