zero ; prologue

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Melissa giggled pushing Reggie lightly. "Reggie I need to go my parents are waiting"

Reggie groaned into her neck kissing it softly. "Stay a little more Mel"

Melissa shook her head grinning like an idiot scowling him playfully. "Mantle I can't disappear for a long time , I need to leave now"

Reggie rolled his eyes getting up from the bed grabbing her backpack. "Well then princess you better get going"

Melissa pouted kissing him softly pulling back when Reggie started to deepen the kiss.

"I'll see you later Reg"

Reggie groaned at the nickname she kept calling him. "Melissa , wait"

She turned to face him as he holds out a journal with papers. "Could you help finish this? All the football practices make me so tired"

Melissa rolled her eyes when she saw him pout. She grabbed the journal putting it her bag.

"Tomorrow meet me up at pops so I'll give it to you"

Reggie grinned blowing her a kiss. "You're a life saver Melissa"

Melissa placed her hand on her heart with a smirk. "I know , what would you do without me"

Reggie shook his head laughing. "Nothing "

Melissa smiled at him before turning around ,walking out of the room.

Melissa left his house with a big smile closing her eyes once she was outside. She turned back sightly to see his window where he stood looking at her with a smirk.

She stuck her tongue out at him walking home.

At school the next day

Melissa sighed as Reggie past her without a glance. She was getting sick of him just ignoring her at school but never said anything .

She didn't want to ruin what they had.

It was the last day of freshman year and she couldn't wait to leave , everyone couldn't.

She closed her locker walking to her next class.

She held her breath before entering her class. She glanced at her classmates before walking to her seat.

Melissa sat down in her seat as Betty smiled at her. "Hey Mel"

Melissa sat with Betty , Kevin , and Archie. They had welcome her like no one had before.

The teacher started the lesson but soon stopped to yell at the jocks who kept interrupting his class.

Melissa glanced at Reggie who was smirking at the teacher along with Jason and Chuck.

She rolled her eyes looking back at her paper.

"I swear Archie if you turn like those boys when you join football I'll murder you" Betty joked .

Archie made a disgusting face. "If I ever do please do"

When the bell rung everyone ran out of the class room cheering since it was the last class of the day.

Melissa followed Kevin into the hallway laughing when she saw everyone in the halls running and cheering in happiness.

She twist around watching as everyone smiled and laughed with friends.

She walked down the hall bumping into someone. She looked up to see Chuck.

She gulped lightly walking back , her smile long vanished.

"Hey sexy thing" He smirked.

Melissa said nothing but tried to leave but he grabbed her arm. "Where are you off to ? I never said you could leave"

Melissa shook lightly as he held her.

"Chuck leave her alone" A voice said behind her.

She glanced back to see Jason . Chuck looked at Jason releasing Melissa.

"Okay" He chuckled looking Melissa once more before leaving shaking his head.

Melissa released a breath of relief. "Thank you" She whispered.

Jason smiled at her walking past her .

Little did she know that would be the last time she would see him alive.

At home

"Mom , dad I'm home!"

She searched the house but didn't find them.

Melissa frowned. "Odd" She muttered.

She shrugged it off walking to the kitchen . She filled a glass with cold water , jumping slightly when her brother entered the back door scaring her.

"Justin!" She scowled him holding her glass tightly.

"Sorry sis" He rubbed his neck walking to her.

He jumped on the counter kicking his legs. "When mom and dad get here let's go to pops to celebrate that you finished your freshman year alive" He joked.

"Haha Just" Melissa rolled her eyes smiling. "You finished your sophomore year" She pointed out making it his time to roll his eyes.

"Whatever" Melissa laughed.

She was talking to her brother about random things when the phone rang.

She picked it up looking at Justin with a smirk.

Am I talking to the family relatives to Mrs. and Mr. Mendes ?

A voice said in the phone.

"Yes , why?" Melissa replied her heart beating rapidly.

I'm so sorry to announce that they had been in a terrible car accident and sadly they both didn't make it , their bodies are being-"

Melissa dropped the phone her body freezing. Her mouth parted open tearing falling rapidly down her cheeks.

"Melissa" Justin's voice drowned as the words repeated in her head.

they had been in a terrible accident

they both didn't make it

A loud scream left her mouth as she dropped to the ground sobbing. "No!"

Justin quickly got to his knees hugging her as she moved in his arms crying. "No!"

Justin picked up the phone answering. "Hello?"

He released tears as he heard the news. "Okay we're be there shortly"

He hang up holding Melissa tightly as they cried their hearts out. They were along in the world now , and it torn them.

| So here's a little background on the story , i hope you guys enjoy this :) |

paper cuts ; reggie mantle Where stories live. Discover now