part 3(true love)

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Lava POV

It been 24 years now scenes I was on island me and Maui stared to get along very well everywhere I go he goes Maui will stick to me like glue but I started to have feeling for Maui

Maui POV

Is was long day nothing to but relax and chill I stay in the cave with lava as I got tired I dozz of to sleep by the time I woke up I sit up and I don't see lava

I started to get worried and screaming"lava lava where are you" I didn't see but I see fire ball shot in the sky and I run where the fire ball hit I see her playing in the sand

She look at me " hi mau-" I cut  her off with hug " thought I lost you" " I was ok I just didn't want to wake you" I sigh and I started to cry she pull me in hug and lad on her chest and god boobs was soft

Lava POV

"It ok Maui I'm here you its ok save the world with Moana"

He sit his head in the middle of my breasts and sniff the air " you smell like strawberry kiwi " " Maui I love you ok" "really I love you to"

We both lean in kiss it is was amazing his was so soft as we let go I want to get up but I can't "Maui get off me" "no your boobs are so soft and smell like coconuts" "fine you can stay and stop smelling my breasts" "no"

Sorry It took so long for me to update I had to do some other story and shit so I hope you like this chapter bye my sweet treats

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