xiii. faults of war

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"Are we ever going to visit you guys?" Hope asks as she breaks her sister's pancake into small pieces.

They're all sitting at the table at breakfast. It's their last night stay and it hasn't been too bad. Instead of talking business like they planned, Ally and Marie were mostly joyful in each other's presence and went on about anything. As for Austin and Keith, there's just a mutual acquaintance and they're okay uwith that.

It's not as tense filled as the last few nights, but it's also not the best feeling from certain characters. The others from the village were deeply apologized to and Marie welcomed them with a buffet setup outside and promises to help them construct new homes. She even went to the infirmary and helped whoever she could.

"You better," Zay says with a mouth full of pancake, giving her a look. Hope blushes and laughs before kissing her sister's head and going to her seat.

"I suppose you and Hope have gotten close, I see," Marie says to him, though her eyes are directing at Hope. Hope bites her lip to stop herself from smiling and starts eating her breakfast. "I guess it would only be right to visit every once and a while. I'll be doing helping over there soon anyway."

"Yes!" Hope cheers, throwing her hands up. Zay smiles and laughs at her antics as he precedes to eat.

"Well, I've enjoyed our stay. The civilization here is so good; it's like another world." Austin says sincerely to Marie and Keith.

"Thank you," Marie replies genuinely and gives him a smile. "I have to say, it's going to be pleasant having you as a brother in law. You treat my sister well and Lian likes you. What more could I ask for?"

Austin smiles in gratitude and gives her a nod, not responding.

After breakfast, they're brought their things and Austin and Keith goes to headcount everyone while the rest of them sat in the garden.

"You're quiet this morning," Marie comments as watch Lian grow flowers from the ground. "What's up?"

"I feel something bad is happening," Ally speaks, not turning her head from the direction of the forest. "Something very bad."

"If Lian and I don't sense it, then you're probably just worried. Or even Hope, she can pick up on things too."

"I don't have a reason to worry," Ally deflects, shaking her head. "Something is happening."

Just as if that was the trigger, Lian stops growing the flower and her hair turns white. Marie's hair also turns purple, making her confused. Even Hope stops playing with Zay to sense the trouble.

"Something is happening," Ally says once more, standing up. There's then a scream and Ally recognizes it. "I think it's---"

"Izabel," Zay finishes. He speeds in the direction of the sound. Ally looks to Marie then follows, in which the other three do also.

They all appear to the sight of Izabel running into the scene looking all too panicked. She stops too sudden and starts to stumble, but Zay catches her.

"What the hell is going on?" Marie asks, looking behind her.

"We need Ally back," Izabel breathes heavily, holding on to her brother. "They're-They're having a war over there."

"A war?" Ally questions, confused on the concept.

"What's happening?" Hope asks, confused.

She looks to Hope, confused at the vibrant hair color. But she answer regardless, "Kim has people held as hostages. She's making people fight for their family and friends. She tried to get me in order to make Ally back down, but I froze her legs and came her as fast as possible."

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