lost in love

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   Coming from middle school he doesn't really have any experience of love but he knew for sure that that someone's out there some where. First day of highschool was a breeze although he did see this girl.  She's a Latino girl, long brown hair, and very pretty.  The thing was, he didn't know if she liked him or not so he just left it alone.
   A couple of weeks went by, and finally one day one of her friend who was also his friend said said that she wanted to talk to him. So lunch time came and he saw her so he pulled her to the side  and asked for her number and she put it in his phone. They texted for some days but she obviously just wanted to be friends.
   Even though he still wasn't over her, he had to move on from her. In the process of him doing just that, this girl came in his class. Again, she was Latino, long hair,  and she was pretty. Even though she wasn't in the class she would come in there. So one day he was making shirts for his class project and she came in. He's an OK drawer and she came by his table and asked who did this shirt. Of course he said he did it because it was his.
  After that she kept coming to our class and they became good friends. But she had a boyfriend at the time and he really liked her so he let her know how he felt. Christmas break went by and they broke up, so he made his move and asked her out. Being with her was the best thing ever, he got to see her every day and her personality was just amazing. But for some reason we broke up not her fault at all.
    3months later she had a boyfriend. He tried to get back with her but she thought it was better if they were just friends. And at this point he thought he was in love. He couldn't stop thinking about her. A month or two go by and it was the summer, and he had to go to summer school for math.  And in that math class was this smart, nice, beautiful, most outspoken girl. Now she was there for something that happened two grades back and she had to finish it up. Anyways,  with this girl, he felt like they could talk about anything and it would stay between them.
   He did like her but she was more focused on school and what she had to do than a relationship at the time which there's nothing wrong with that . But he didn't know if would be going to the same school again. So they wont know until school starts again

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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