Chapter Twenty Seven.

Start from the beginning

Louis sighed and that broke the moment and I remembered that I should be doing something here. I looked at him one more time, just to be sure, then I hovered over him. I didn't allow any patch of skin to touch his, "is this what you wanted?" I asked.

Louis smirked faintly, "no, I was thinking of a much closer position."

I allowed my mind to second-guess the whole situation before I shrugged it off. There's no reason for me to act all against it now if someone to find out about us then let them, I'll be sure to feed them to the fish. With that thought in mind, I leaned down and teasingly stopped a few centimeters away from his lips. His eyelids dropped down in a daze as he waited for me to kiss him, but I intended to make him wait for a few seconds more. When barely two seconds passed, he rolled his eyes and grabbed the collar of my shirt and somehow managed to flip our positions where I'm laying down and he's straddling my hips, shirt riding higher on his thighs. The newly exposed skin distracted me and my eyes fixated on it.

"Samuel told me that you haven't been feeding well," Louis commented as he looked down on me.

I was a bit sidetracked by the change of the subject as I hoped he knew how confusing he sounded. "Um, what does that have to do with anything? It's not like I'm going to kill myself, I know better. I just make use of what we have," I explained.

Louis was biting the inside of his lip as he seemed lost in thought for a moment, "Louis, is everything okay?" I finally had to ask.

Louis' head snapped back to meet my eyes, "Oh, yeah I'm fine."

Louis leaned down and without another word placed his lips on mine. I didn't move right away, but after a few seconds I succumbed to the feeling of his lips and placed my hands on his waist. I kissed him with as much fervor as I could muster and he kissed me just as eagerly. Louis suddenly pulled away, breathing fast, "I want you to drink from me." Louis said in a rush.

"W-what? Louis, It's okay. You don't have to offer yourself just because of a comment from Samuel. I'm doing alright," I tried to assure Louis.

Louis huffed in frustration, "Please, Harry. I don't know why I'm offering but I'm really worried about you and the fact you haven't been feeding much. I know it will be painful but I know you won't kill me."

I sighed as I sat up, Louis still in my lap, "I-I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. Just do it and let me stop worrying about your health," Louis said.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, I felt an immense overflow of love towards Louis. The last person that truly worried about my well-being was my mother, and it's been almost seventy years since she passed away. No one worried about me, not even Liam or Zayn, so having Louis worried about me and wanting me to bite him, knowing that it would hurt, just to be assured is something I've never imagined anyone doing.

"Okay, fine. I'll do it, but only a little. I don't want you to be tired after I'm done," I finally relented.

Louis nodded a blush coating the top of his cheeks. I flipped us back into the first position, Louis laying under me, and started trailing kisses from his lips to his neck. I took the liberty in biting the skin under his jaw, just with a little bit of force to make the skin red and possibly bruise. I heard him moan at the move and took that as a sign to bite him and get this over with.

I felt Louis' hand on the back of my neck, tangling in some strands of hair. He pushed me down gently till my lips connected to his soft skin again, I smirked and wrapped an arm around his waist, lifting him a little off the bed. "Pull my hair as hard as you can if I don't stop," I whispered to him. I felt him nod against my cheek and that was all I needed to bite down and sink my fangs into him. I heard him gasp at the initial pain and his hand tangled more into my hair, but they weren't pushing just holding.

I felt the flow of his blood hit my tongue and it seemed to spark something in me that made me hold him close and want to not waste a single drop of him. I moaned as the blood flow seemed to be never-ending, even though somewhere in the back of my mind I knew the moment it would stop it would mean that I killed him, but the thought felt so far away and unreal that I didn't pay it much mind. Then I could feel my ignored hunger awaken and demand more like a spoiled child. I knew I had to stop when I felt it, but his blood tasted even much better than before, it's possible that the bond might've enhanced it, but it wasn't good news to Louis. I tried to pull away but my body seemed to refuse the effort. I could feel a dull pain erupt in the back of my head and that was warning enough, I was taking this too far.

I heard Louis say something but it sounded so far away and the sound of the blood flowing in my body was so loud that it covered it and made it incoherent. I started to panic inside, this is not supposed to happen, why am I not able to stop? What's happening to me? These questions fired in my brain but I had no answer to them. I tried again to pull away and this time I made sure to try every bit of my strength to help, but it still wouldn't work. I felt helpless and didn't know what to do, I'm going to kill Louis, this is the worst thing that could happen to either of us. Yet I don't understand it myself, no one said anything about losing control.

It felt like hours when I'm sure it's been a few minutes when I felt something sharp sink into my neck and leave just as quickly. It brought everything back with a roar of sounds and colors. I took a big breath as I wrenched myself away from Louis but it felt like I wasn't the one doing it. I was able to see Louis crying as blood seemed to have exploded everywhere in the spot where I bit him. He even had some on his cheek and nose. What the hell happen? that was the last thought I had when I felt another sting in my neck. I turned to see who did it and saw Zayn with his emergency case by the bed, holding an empty syringe in his hand as he looked at me with confused worry.

I wanted to ask him what happened and why? but as soon as I attempted to open my mouth I felt my limbs grow heavy and my eyelids seemed to give up on staying open and I suddenly was toppling onto the floor, very much awake but not able to do anything about it. And soon after, the darkness tricked me and I fell victim to a deep sleep.


I tried so hard not to be a dark Larry through this, but I couldn't resist it! I dislike the beginning of the chapter but consider this as a filler. The ending actually surprised me tbh I wasn't expecting that to happen. Anyways, thank you all for reading and voting, if you choose to do so, it means a lot to me.





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