"Micah I'm so sorry about this. About Us. I wish it was easier but it isn't what if I start to like someone else and forget about and hurt you I wouldn't forgive myself ever and what if you do the same? I just don't think long distance works. I'm sorry. I'll just leave you guys now, it will be easier for when I leave tomorrow." I said and started to walk away

"Dalton wait!" Micah yelled and ran up to me and kiss me I lift her up. I'm gonna miss her so much. I put her down and I can see she is staring to cry.

"Don't cry." I told her and she nod I waved at the others and they tried to stay strong but couldn't they all ran up to me and attack me with a hug. We a started to cry.

We all said our goodbyes. I went to my car getting ready to go home and pack. When I got home I thought how much I'm gonna miss this place.

Micah POV

After Dalton left I decided to go home too. I was getting really tired. Leslie and Jaynalei wanted to come over I let them since I wasn't sure if I was gonna survive the night. We walked all away to my house when we got there Jaynalei got some junk food and a bucket of ice cream and Leslie went to put on mean girls. I sat in the middle of them we laughed during the movie. "On Wednesday we wear pink." Jaynalei said making us laugh.

"Raise you hand if you've ever felt personally victimized by Regina George." Leslie said and we all raised our hand and laughed. I'm so thankful for having friends like them.

"I love you girls so much." I said bringing them into a hug

"We love you too!" they yelled

"And thanks for helping me get through my break up. I don't know what I'll do with out you guys."

"You'll probably be crying right now." Jaynalei said laughing I smacked her arm

"I love you guys."

Leslie POV

"Hey Micah will it be alright if I sleepover?" I ask her and she nod "Jaynalei you should sleepover too!"

"Yeah I will! Can I borrow some pjs or nah." Jaynalei said making us laugh

"Yeah let's go upstairs and change and first dibs on the bathroom!" Micah said pushing us and running to her room. I swear she is always like this! Jaynalei and I go to her room and borrowed some of her pjs

"Well if she wants to play like that, she won't be getting these back." Jaynalei nod and I laughed. Micah got out of the bathroom and Jaynalei went in.

"Let's stay in my room. I'll go get food." Micah said and left her room. My phone started to ring. It was a call from Cole.

"Hey Leslie how is Micah doing?" Cole ask

"She's good, Jaynalei and I got her mind off of it."

"Good. She must be broken." Cole said

"Yeah so why did you call me?" I ask he never calls me unless he has something important to tell me

"Well I wanted to know if Micah was fine and tomorrow I have something big to tell you," yep there is the important stuff "so tomorrow meet me at the park at the swing set." Cole said through the phone. I laughed when he said "at the swing set" Cole is such a child.

"Okay, I will. What time?"

"Around noon."

"Okay I'll see you there." I said I was about to hang up but Cole said something

"And Leslie about what I said earlier, don't take it like I hurt you take it like a favor." Cole said making me think what he means

"Okay." is all I said

"When I tell you tomorrow, you are gonna lose it!" he yelled through the phone

"Well okay."

"Well I don't know about you but I'm getting tired. Goodnight Leslie." Cole said

"Goodnight." I hung up and I look over to the door and see Micah and Jaynalei. Did they really just listen to all of that?

"So you were taking to your boyfriend Cole?" Micah said wiggling her eyebrows

"He's not my boyfriend! He doesn't even think of me that way."

-------NEXT DAY-------

I started to walk to the park I had headphones and I was jamming to music. When I finally got to the park I look for the swing sets and they were on the other side. Great. I think to myself. More walking. When I got to the swing sets I sat down but I didn't see Cole. Did he forget? Then I feel to hands cover my eyes "Guess who." the person said and I smiled recognizing the voice

"Mmm I don't know." I giggled

"Really? You don't know?"

"Cole?" I said pretending I didn't know

"And we have a winner!" Cole said sitting next to me.

"So what's the big important news?" Cole smiled

"Well, you see Leslie you have another performance coming up!"


I'm so sorry that it took me forever to update! AHHH don't hate me! And yeah Dalton left in the story too sorry. But thank you for all the reads and votes! I love you! I will try to update next Thursday 😬 even tho I'm so bad at it but I'll try





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