Chapter 13

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Leslie POV

The rest of the night went amazing!People kept complimenting me and it felt good to be notice. Rachel was with Dana half the night and the other half was with Amy. I thought they hated each other, I guess they're back to being bitches. Cole came up to me. "Having a good time?"

"Yeah, it's been really fun." I said dancing to the music

"Yeah it should be since you faced your fear." Cole said smiling.

"There is one thing I still don't understand." I said. Cole looked at me confused. Should I tell him?

"What?" he said confused

" kiss sometimes and you says you like me and you probably know I like you, so why haven't you ask me out?" I said looking down. Cole grabs my hand and I look up at him

"Leslie, I just got out of a relationship and I'm not sure if we should date." Cole said and it hit me. I thought he like me. Was I wrong again? Will I'll be his little kissing partner when he feels lonely? Should I even be talking to him? All kinds of thoughts are going through my head. "I'm sorry." Cole said he let go of my hand

"It's okay. I'm gonna go hang with Micah and Jaynalei." I said and left Cole standing there. I walk over to Micah. She was dancing and having a great time

"Hey nice job!" she said dancing.

"Thank you! Hey where is Dalton?"

"Oh um he's with Will or Gabe." Micah stop dancing

"Micah, Will is with Jaynalei kissing her and Gabe is over there dancing with Alex." I said to her pointing at the them

"Do you think he is with Dana or Cole?" Micah said having a worried face

"Cole is over there and Dana is dancing with Rachel." I kept looking around for Dalton but I couldn't see him. I'm Micah is getting more worried by the minute. "We can check outside and I'll get Gabe, Will, Alex, and Jaynalei to come." I said I walk to Will and Jayneli first. "Can you guys please come and help us look for Dalton outside?"

"Yeah of course!" Jaynalei said. Her and Will started walking to the door then I got to Alex and Gabe

"Please come outside and help us find Dalton." I said and Alex nod

"Yeah okay we will." Gabe said. We all go outside at first we couldn't find Dalton but Will spotted him. Dalton look sad

"Dalton!" Micah scream and ran to him hugging him and Dalton look even more sadder "What's wrong babe?" Micah ask concern

"I-I don't know how to tell you guys this." Dalton said looking down

"Hey what's going on?" I hear Dana voice behind me and he's with Rachel and Cole.

"Dalton you can tell us anything." Alex said. Dalton nod

"This is hard for me to tell you but I got a call from my parents saying that we are moving back to Texas and I was mad and sad. The thought of leaving all you guys made me sad, but it isn't my choice. I'm sorry." Dalton said. Micah hugged him and kiss him. "Micah I'm sorry but I don't think we can do this anymore." when Dalton said that line I knew what he was talking about.

"Dalton, please don't say that. I know it's gonna be hard since we live in Cali but we can make it work." Micah said almost crying

"Micah. I'm sorry but we can't make it work it's gonna be hard to have a long distance relationship. You're gonna be over here and I'm gonna be over there. It won't work."

Dalton POV

It hurts me to say this to Micah. She does deserve someone better than me.

"Dalton if you please believe it can work don't do this to me." she said I know she is about to break down any moment. I don't want to see her break down.

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