Chapter One

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It was my first night, as a wrestler for Ring of Honor Wrestling; I had wrestled for years but this was different, I had a contract. I was set to have a match with Veda Scott. We had practiced the match as possible, considering the amount of anxiety I was having about it. I stood by the gorilla, bouncing on the balls of my feet while picking at my nail beds. 

"Nervous?" I heard from behind. I looked over to see Adam Cole, childhood best friend, partner in crime, and life long crush. "That obvious, huh?" I sighed, my fingers absentmindedly began running through my hair. He offered a somewhat sympathetic smile, "Just a little bit, you'll be great; stop stressing out." He smiles, nodding his head towards the ring. "I've seen some of your matches, they're really good." Smiling at the compliment, "Thanks, it's just I've never wrestling in front of a crowd like Ring of Honor before." I stated softly. He shrugged, "Doesn't matter, they'll love you Munchie."He grinned, scooting past me to get further into the back, but not before he smiles at me again as my music hit. I huffed out, before doing my entrance. 

Walking down the ramp and around the ring, high fiving a few fans here and there. I climbed up onto the apron flipping over the top rope. I quickly climbed up the ropes, leaning somewhat forward a cheesy grin spread on my face. I threw my hands up in the air in the most cliche pose. My grin only getting bigger and bigger as the crowd continued to cheer me on, louder and louder. The grin slowly morphed into a smug smirk as I leaned against the turnbuckle as they rang the bell. Veda and I instantly locked up, I quickly gained the upper hand as I shoved her into the corner; getting a few chops and fists in. Before she gained the upper hand by pushing me back into my corner, I let out a frustrated sigh as I flipped my hair from my eyes before charging towards her... we both collided when he had the exact idea to close Line each other. Resulting in us both laying out on the mat for a good couple of seconds before Veda attacked. The crowd was electric, as they continued to yell my name and clap in hopes to fire me up. We had wrestled each other before, so we both knew we would have at least a little chemistry in the ring. Towards the end of the match Veda had knocked my into my back and was getting a few cheap shots in, I quickly caught her wrists and pushed my feet into her hips; quickly spinning her into a helicopter arm bar. After barely a minute of her being trapped in it, she tapped. The crowd going crazy as I had won my first match in Ring oh Honor. I instantly let go, jumping up to my feet as the ref raised my hand.

I had won my first match, grinning like a Cheshire Cat on my way into the back. "What's I tell you, munchie?" I quickly spun around, spotting Adam yet again sporting a black Bullet Club shirt and a pair of light gray sweatpants hung low in his hips. He smiles as I caught his gaze. "Thanks Cole." I smiled back. "What's with the nickname in the work place Cole??" I questioned, my hands subconsciously landing on my hips. Adam chuckled, tucking his phone in the pocket of his sweats, muscular arms folding over his chest. I could see the edge and shading oh his tattoo and I chewed on the inside of my lip; much to my disliking and many many attempts I had been carrying a torch for Adam since our teen years together. "I figured you'd might like something that reminded you of calmer times." He shrugged, concern lacing it's way through his baby blue eyes, he offered me a sweet smile. I smiled softly, looking up at him. "Well, thank you doofus." I smirked, recalling the nickname I had given him when we were kids considering all the stunts he had tried to pull in our neighborhood. He laughed, shaking his head. "See ya." I called over my shoulder as I made the long walk back to the girls' locker room.

Quickly changing from my ring gear, into a pair of loose fitting black joggers, and a white plain baggy cropped shirt, throwing my hair up into a messy pony tail, I looked around realizing I was the last one in here. I let out a loud sigh, before sitting down on one of the benches, trying to collect myself. I still had to either ask for a ride to the hotel or get an Uber, but as of right now I was so exhausted I'd be happy to just curl up and sleep here for the night. I grabbed my small purse and duffel bag before shutting out the light and heading out of the building. Leaning against the outside of the building, playing in my phone as other people from the show passed by. "Need a ride?" Somebody asked I looked up from my phone coming face to face, again, with Adam. "Yeah, but u can get a car or something." I murmured, looking as Nick and Matt stood on either side of him. "Nah you can ride with us Addy." Adam offered, a small smile adorning his scruffy face, I slowly nodded. "If that's okay with everyone else. I don't wanna intrude or anything." I smiled shyly. "Everyone's fine with it, plus we'd be dumb to let you get into a taxi around here." Matt laughed as he draped his arm around my shoulders as he led me to their shared rental car.

After popping open the trunk, and situating our bags to all fit in there Adam and I climbed into the backseat and both letting out sighs of relaxation. "Nice match by the way, Cole. I was a little distracted earlier to say that." I laughed softly, sliding my phone out of my pocket and checking my social media. "Yeah I figured, completely understandable riding an adrenaline high from your match or you know other things that happened post match, munchie." I wasn't looking at him, but I could tell her had a smug smirk on his face, quickly shoving my elbow into his side before he could imply anything else. I heard an "oof" and I grinned. "Well, you shut that shit down quickly." Nick huffed out between snorts of laughter, I saw Matt nod his head hearing him snort as he turned the car on and off we were. I looked at Adam from my peripheral vision, in the light from his iPhone I could make out a small playful grin on his lip as he typed away on his phone.

I absentmindedly began to gaze at Adam, he had fallen asleep his head tucked between his shoulder and then back of the seat. His eyelashes grazed against his cheeks, mouth slightly split open as quiet snores fell from his pink lips, he looked so amazingly peaceful; just looking at him made my heart smile. Alright, Addy calm down. I scolded myself, rolling my eyes at myself. Thankful for the lack of light surrounding me so the Bucks couldn't see me or the fact that I practically had hearts bouncing from my eyes every time I even caught a glimpse of the man beside me. I inwardly groaned as I pulled out my phone deciding it was best to distract myself with a mindless game. "So, Addy.." Matt drifted off, as we came to a minor stop at a red light. "Yes?" I answered, my ears perking up at the sound of my name, eyes not lifting from the screen of my phone. "We're probably gonna stop to get food before we go to the hotel, any suggestions?" Matt continued. I shrugged, "Uh whatever you guys stop it'll be fine. I'll probably eat something small, it's hard for me to eat a lot after a match." I explained, and they nodded. "Understandable." Nick grinned. "Anyways, so you are in fact that Addy our boy here grew up with, correct?" Nick interrogated, he twisted in his seat so we could see each other. I sucked in my bottom lip, raising an eyebrow at him. "That's me. Why? What did he tell you about me?" I asked, my anxiety kicking up to a whole brand spanking new level. The brothers chuckled, "Nothing bad, just the stunts you guys would pull. Lots and lots of stories." Nick explained with a shrug, before re-situating himself so he was sitting the proper way.

I rolled my neck, my eyes clamping shut as I tried to cam my nerves. I hadn't realized that Adam had woken up during my exchange with Matt and Nick until I felt his rough hand on top of mine. "Calm down." He whispered. I looked over at him, his eyes were barely open, I could still see his baby blues, his eye lashes fluttering against his cheeks. I offered a small smile and a shrug. Adam stuck his tongue out at me, I giggled shaking my head at him. He knew it would take awhile for me to get my sudden anxiety attack over with and back under control so he opted out of a conversation and softly traced mindless patterns on the back of my hand. I was stunned that after all these years he still somehow remembered what helped most when this would happen years ago. I smiles at him, before shutting my eyes and leaving my head back. Hopefully sleep would take over and by the time we found somewhere to eat I would've slept through my anxiety attack.

I Walk The Line - Adam ColeWhere stories live. Discover now