× opening.

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a fiction-based story that is told 500 words at a time. this is a story about an aspiring author, her lovely muse, and an endless amount of mindless imagination.


She walks the fine line between fantasy and reality. Constantly stuck between the breaches of wanderlust and writer's block, she takes with her millions of ideas that are completely unwritten.

How does it feel to be anchored but afloat at the same time? She realizes that the only way to solve her predicament is to throw herself into the question itself.

She writes.

And soon, she finds the magic behind writing and the art that is dying and being reborn.

This is a story about an aspiring author, her lovely muse, and an endless amount of mindless imagination.


a completely random story with a completely incoherent writing style.

there will be swearing.


× with love (and regret), jujube :)

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