"We need to keep a low profile and you decide to piss off Tarisian nobles?" I took my hand away from my hair and pointed my finger at the man I was travelling with.

"Hey... she's lucky I didn't actually punch her in the mouth," I said. Carth chuckled slightly.

"Why do I get the feeling that working with you is going to get really interesting?" Carth asked.

"Well... I am a very interesting person," I replied.

"Ha! No kidding. We should get underway." I nodded in agreement and walked back to the apartment. The rest of way back was thankfully uneventful, and we stayed quiet the entire way which drove me crazy. I just had to know more about Carth, but I didn't want to ask too soon.

Just wait until we get back to the apartment, I kept telling myself, but I wasn't really known for my patience. Thankfully, we arrived soon, and I could sate my curiosity some more.

"Uh... Carth?" I asked as we walked into the apartment.

"Yeah?" he replied with his back still turned to me.

"Is this a good time for some more questions?" Carth turned to me with that roguish smile of his on his face.

"I'm all ears, Beautiful," he replied. Beautiful? He couldn't mean that, could he? No... he was just saying that to change the subject but as much as I hate to admit it, it worked. I swear I felt my face turn crimson as I managed to splutter out; "Address me like that again and you might just lose and ear or two." Carth laughed softly.

"A little touchy, are we? Is there something you'd prefer I called you?" Carth asked with a playful tone in his voice.

"How about my name?" I phrased it like a question, but my low, frosty tone made it clear that I was not asking. Or, at least, I hoped it did.

"Don't get yourself in a twist over it, Gorgeous. I didn't mean anything by it." I suddenly lost my temper on him. Why did he insist on flirting with me when it was clear that he just wanted to change the subject? When it was clear that he didn't mean anything he said? I threw my hands in the air in anger.

"There you go again!" Carth started to look frustrated himself.

"Oh, for crying out-" he snapped. Carth took a few deep breaths and looked a little calmer. "Fine. If it'll make you feel better, you call me something. Go ahead, come on, I can take it." My jaw dropped.

"What? Don't be ridiculous."

"What? Are you afraid you're going to hurt my feelings? Come on, spit it out! You can do it."

"How about "Pushy Thug?"" I grumbled under my breath.

"Is that it? You can do better than that, can't you?"

"Why you brainless, lice-ridden bantha!" I snapped. Carth placed both his hands over his heart and looked like I had physically wounded him.

"Ouch. That is better. Though "Beautiful" doesn't sound so bad in comparison, does it?" I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"You are such a pain, you know that?" I said through my admittedly girlish giggles and Carth started laughing too. It was weird. Before entering the apartment, he had been so serious. Almost stoic. Now, we were having a good time. I wondered if there was a reason why he did that. Why he would be laughing and joking and all around having a good time, and then suddenly stop and become completely serious. He'll tell me, willingly or not. He'd better get used to talking about himself.

"Guilty as charged." Carth's expression turned serious again. "I bet you still have those questions in mind. Are they really necessary?"

Oh no you don't, I thought. I wasn't about to let the interesting, funny guy I'd just seen a second ago disappear under the sourpuss again.

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