Chapter 5

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Alexia's P.O.V.

"Can you believe that I made us fifteen hundred credits?!" I shouted excitedly as we left the duelling ring. Carth looked impressed.

"That's a hundred times better than what I could do. We can use those credits. And smart move on not using your real name," Carth said. Was he seriously admiring my handiwork? I could feel my face get hot.

What are you, a schoolgirl? I mentally scolded myself angrily. I lifted one shoulder, trying to seem nonchalant while I got the heat in my face under control. I looked around me to make sure no one was listening.

"I figured that the Sith might have found a crew manifest on the Endar Spire before it blew. I don't want them on our backs while we look for Bastila," I said keeping my voice barely audible.

"That's what I was thinking. We don't want the Sith finding us. The best we can hope for if we're discovered is to be shot on sight. At least that will be quick but knowing the Sith, they'd torture us to get Bastila's location," he replied very quietly. I decided to change the subject to one that I hoped would bring us good news.

"So... did you find us any allies?" I asked.

"Well... I talked to this woman named Sarna and she's... well..." Carth paused as though thinking about what would be okay to say. "A... a junior Sith Officer stationed here on Taris though she really hates her job," Carth finally said after a few moments though he seemed to be picking his words very closely. "She invited me to a party she and the other Junior Officers are having tonight, and she said she could get the others drunk while we steal a couple of Sith uniforms."

"So, why do we need Sith uniforms?" I asked.

"The elevator to the Lowercity is guarded by the Sith. I tried getting down there, but the guard wouldn't let me pass because I didn't look like a Sith," Carth explained.

"So, the Sith uniforms could fool the Sith into thinking that we're one of them," I added. I nodded approvingly at Carth. "That's smart, Flyboy." Carth smiled at me slightly as we left the cantina. As we exited the cantina, we kept our eyes to the floor and tried to look as unremarkable as possible to avoid the Sith. We decided that we would wait in our apartment for nightfall, so we could attend the party. I had no idea why a member of the Sith would so readily help us, but I had a feeling that Carth wasn't telling me everything about this Sarna woman. I knew that the Republic had spies just like the Sith. Maybe Sarna was really a Republic pretending to be a Sith? I decided not to think about that for now. I trusted Carth's instincts. He had like, fifteen maybe twenty years of military experience and if he trusted Sarna then she must have been worth trusting. We headed back to the apartment though we ended up in another fight as we passed Kebla Yurt's shop. It was nothing we couldn't handle, just a couple of Rodians armed with a single vibroblade but off to the side watching was that woman Gana again. We disposed of her lackeys quickly and Gana ran away, scared, crying out; "Daddy!" I'll admit, it was funny to watch. She won't be messing with us again, that's for sure. After the fight, Carth folded his arms across his chest and looked at me as though wondering whether or not to bitch at me.

"What?" I said as I raised my arms half-way innocently.

"Why do I get the feeling that we got attacked because of something you did?" Carth asked.

"I didn't do anything. That woman – the overly-dressed one with the black hair we saw running away – was being a complete and utter bitch in the cantina and I..." I hesitated and twirled a curl of hair around my finger. "I may have told her I'd punch her in the mouth."

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