"Wow. But what can you expect from someone who has already buried two children and lived... what, a hundred and thirty beltas?"

Annie and Paty studied the old man's face.

"Do not even think about it, ladies, I am ninety-eight," William defended himself.

"Ladies, what have I taught you about courtesy?" Deana scolded them.

"How's my girl, professor?" Daphne asked.

"I cannot talk about it here, my lady, but if you would like to join me..." William offered his arm to Daphne, and insisted Deana follow him too. "Girls, I will take your mothers for an hour. Wait here, please."

"But... we have to see her," protested Paty.

"I am sorry, but it is impossible for the time being,," said the old man, taking small steps towards the exit.

"Mom, please, we need to see her, that's the reason we're here," insisted Annie.

"You heard professor William, skyling, you can't right now.."


"Pluck my feathers!" cursed Paty.

William and the two ladies left the great room, and turned left, towards the medical wing.


"It's not fair!" Annie said, clenching her fists.

"Let's get out of here at least," suggested Paty, as annoyed as Annie. She nodded at a group of noblemen who passed them, talking about the scandalous resignation of two important characters: the Prime Minister, Edeira Iran, and the Minister of External Security, Tad Abender. She took Annie's hand, and made ​​her way to the door through which William and their mothers had left. Once on the balcony, she took a deep breath and followed the trio with her eyes, while Annie, restless and anxious, walked in circles, like a caged animal.

"It's not fair," repeated Annie. "We came to see her. I hate him when he behaves like this, I don't know how you stand him."

"Annie, look," said Paty, pointing at the trio, noticing that William and their mothers took the elevator. That was not the way to the medical wing.

"Do you think they moved her to the Clouds?" Annie stopped short.

"Why else would they go up? If all they wanted was to talk in private, an office would do."

"What about the guards in the medical wing? Are those for show?"

"It's not all that illogical, if you think about it."

"Come, I have an idea," said Annie.

"Are you sure?" asked Paty, realizing what her friend planned to do.

"Well, if we don't find her there, at least we would have tried. Let's go," urged Annie, leading the way to the Guest Tower.

Paty walked behind her in disbelief, her heart racing. Annie could be quite sure of herself when she spoke in public, but she wasn't very brave in other aspects. Something motivated her, indifferent to the consequences they would face if they were found.

The closer they got, the more the worry and sadness they had held in during the trip to the palace came to the surface.

"Oh, Paty, I don't know what I'll tell her. She was just starting a new chapter next to her parents, and then out of nowhere... they just..."

"I don't think you can tell her anything at the moment. And if that's the case, just... be there for her, listen to her, and be a little patient. She's hurt, Annie, and she has to mourn." She stopped and called the elevator.

Potenkiah, the deathgiverWhere stories live. Discover now