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      Rain poured from the night sky. A night of grievance for Lavar, the once mighty god of victory and blood. I shiver, gasping as a bucket of water soaks me into a spluttering mess. The stone floor having long since numbed my knees from their ache. The amulet, in the shape of a sword, pokes against my chest in confirmation of its presence. A flickering candle next to the alter stands defiantly against the harsh winter wind snapping against the shutters.

      "Say your prayers." The voice orders still clutching the empty bucket. I bit my lip willing it to warm enough for me to curse the Licra monk. Not even pain can shake the numbness from me as the bloody ropes that bound me before the old god's alter tear into my scabbing flesh. Licra, goddess of the hearth and Lavar's traitorous lover. I shutter as a fit of giggles bubble up. Mother's tales of the gods resonating in the bowels of my mind even now, especially now. The monk kneels in front of me just as she has every day since they dragged me from the fields."Denounce the fallen god, swear yourself to the merciful Licra so she may grant you peace." Her words sweet enough to lull the mind or perhaps the cold and hunger finally dug their claws in deep enough. The dagger under the monks cloak glistens as a flash of lightening streaks the sky. Peace in death. It was comforting to know that with a nod my many weeks of seeking it out, death could so conveniently be brought upon me. I look up at the monks eyes, grey like ash with the unfeeling touch of an executioner. Imagining them shining at the joy of knifing me brought more irritation than relief. With a sigh my lips crack open, she leans forward eager to finally get what she wants. The amulet, Lavar's amulet, laid comfortably in place around my neck just as it always has all these years. Once mighty god of victory and blood.
    "I denounce all relations--" I close my eyes and bow my head, letting the ropes keep me from falling to the floor, "--to the cowardly--" then in a single breath I snap my jaws shut around the monk's neck letting her blood flood down me, seeping the warmth from her still beating heart. Snarling as the crunch of her bones grind under my teeth and she takes her last choked breath. "Licra!" I roar letting the monk body collapse with a splat. "I denounce you and swear vengeance for this atrocity!" I strain against the rope with renewed strength that was quickly draining along with the warmth of fresh blood. "Vengeance for the slaughter of Lavinia and Ki, Lavar's rightful wife and daughter!" Head throbbing I kneel, "Vengeance for the Galra Trail in which you forced him from his god hood!" Finally the rope slips and I stand clutching the amulet. "And a sentence of disgrace to you..." the small steel sword grew to a comfortable weight, the blood around my feet pulsing in its presence. I point the sword in the air, "...for pissing me off!" The blade arks loping of the monk's head before her body dispersed into ash. It was my victory tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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