[5] Helena

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What. The. Hell.

Angie was fuming, seething, plotting the destruction of all man-and-woman-kind as she paced back and forth. She was back in her hotel room trying to discern what in the same of god had just happened. Who the fuck was this woman, and why had no one thought to warn her that her target had been warned ahead of her arrival? Whipping out her cellphone, she practically hammered her fingers into the glass as she formed a text message.

"Who is this woman??"

Not two seconds later, she heard a beep. A text message from "AUNTIE MEG".

"Wh75 wiahb"

Great. Just great. She'd been trying to teach her aunts how to use technology for over a year now, but so far it had all been in vain. When it came to modern life, their age definitely showed. Suddenly, her brain felt like it was vibrating, while her ears felt like they had been stuffed with cotton balls.

"Angelica you know I don't understand these modern machines!" The voice of Megaera buzzed in Angie's brain. Angie hated this kind of telekinetic communication, but that never stopped her aunts from intruding when they had a message to relay.

"What happened?" Came Alector's harsh tone.

"What happened was you three left me high and dry!" Angie spat out loud to the empty room, knowing full well the Fates could hear her. "Did none of you think to tell me some pertinent information about this job? I looked like a damn fool!"

"Child I know you are not speaking to your aunts with that tone," came Tisiphone's warning. Angie forced herself to take several deep breaths while the three old women argued amongst theirselves in her head.

"She's just frustrated Tisi, let her be."

"Let her be an ungrateful brat? Over my dead body."

"You'll never have a dead body Tisi so don't bother with that now. Angelica knows she'll have to apologize if she has any intention of getting information from us."

Alector was right, she needed to apologize, but she didn't want to. She was embarrassed, to say the least. She had let herself become so captivated by this woman, she had let her guard down. And now look at the mess she was in, how could she hope to approach her again if the woman was under the impression that she was some kind of corporate spy?

"Okay, okay. Sorry, Aunties. I shouldn't speak to you that way." Angie gritted her teeth for the apology, still not entirely calm enough to have a level-headed conversation, but time was of the essence and her pride would have to take a back seat.

"What happened, sugar?" Auntie Meg's voice was gentle, relaxing her mind like a lullaby. Angie let out a soft sigh and the tension between her eyebrows seemed to lift.

"She thought I was someone else. Something to do with hacking? She'll be suspicious now if she ever sees me again." The Fates were quiet, lost in their own thoughts, so she continued. "I know I normally ask to go in blind, but it looks like I'm going to need more information on this one. Who is she? What does she do for a living? Who does she think I am?"

"Her name is Helena Vlahos," Alector began, somewhat hesitantly. The name did not ring any bells, was Angie supposed to know who that was? "She is a legal associate with a Vegas firm called Alkmene Law Associates."

"Never heard of it." The discomfort Angie usually felt while she was standing in a room effectively talking to herself had dissipated. Her mind was busy working around the mystery of the woman who had managed to evade her. "So, what, she thinks I'm some rival lawyer? How am I supposed to get anywhere near her now?"

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