another day

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Zoey's P.O.V

I woke up took a shower brushed my teeth put my outfit on curled my hair then put my make-up on. I walked down stairs to see Damon in the kitchen to see he was trying to make breakfast.

Damon what are you doing? I asked

Trying to fix you breakfast. he said

Where's Stefan? I asked

School. He said

Why didn't you wake me it's Friday Damon you know I have school. I said

I'm giving you today off you can go back Monday Elena knows what happened she understands. He said

I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek then my phone started ringing I went upstairs to answer it even though Damon would listen anyway.

Hey Tyler!

Zoey I heard what happened i'm sorry you could have told me your a werewolf.

I know Tyler but no one knew except for Damon.

Why Damon?

Because he was with me when I changed the first time.

class is about to start talk to ya later.


I hung up and walked down stairs Damon had a sandwhich for me he handed it to me and I sat down. Then the doorbell rang so I finished my sandwhich and got the door to see Caroline, Tyler, Matt, and Elena.

Guys I thought you were at school. I said

We were then we heard what happened. Caroline said

So I baked you brownies. Elena said

I brought you some bourbon. Matt said

I'm going to help you every full moon. Tyler said

And I brought you a 100 dollar gift card to any store. Caroline said

Thanks guys and Tyler I thought you were sired to Klaus. I said

I was but I broke the sire bond. He said

Okay and the reason I didn't tell any of you is because I was afraid Klaus would some how find out and turn me into a Hybrid. I said

We understand. They said

I hugged them then let go I took the bourbon to my secret stash then I put the 100 dollar gift card in my purse for any time I need it. Then I went down stairs and sat down while we ate the brownies that Elena brought me. The doorbell rang I got it I opened the door to see Klaus me and the others were in my room I tried to shut the door but he walked in.

I'm here because I heard there is a little wolf living here. He said

No wolves living here so you can leave. I said

Your lieing love I know your the wolf. He said

So what i'm not going to be a hybrid. I said

I understand. He said

what? Why? I asked

No reason. He said then left

I was going to find out what he was going to do because he was acting to weird but I just walked upstairs and sat back down.

What happened? Caroline asked

I just saw Klaus. I said

What did he do? Tyler asked

nothing yet. I said

We will not let Klaus get to you. Elena said

Thanks guys. I said

I was going to say if you ever needed to you could come and saty at my house no vampires can get in except for Caroline and Tyler. Matt said

Thanks Matt I might come. I said

Guys I got a text from my mom she wants me home but i'll see ya later. Caroline said

I got up and hugged her and everyone else did to then her and Tyler walked out of my room so Tyler could walk her down.

Sorry Zoey I have to go. Matt said and got up and left then Tyler came into my room and sat back down.

Stefan just now texted me I have to go. Elena said

I got up and hugged her and walked her to the door with Tyler behind me once she left Tyler said he had to leave. After that Damon came into the house he came over to me and hugged me I pulled away from him and looked at him.

What as that? I asked

Tyler told me about Klaus coming here. He said

So none of them can keep a secret. I said

You should have known that. He said

I did I was just hoping. I said

So how are you holding up? He asked

Well not so good considering my dad doesn't love me any more. I said

He does he's just going through a shcoked and mad stage. he said

I hope your right. I said

he'll relize he was stupid. He said

I hope so I miss him. I said

I know. He said

I'm glad I have a friend like you. I said

Are you sure. He said

Yes Damon and now is not the time to mess with me. I said

Okay we'll talk about it later. He said

Damon just drop it. I said

We will until tomorrow. He said

No just don't say anything right now. I said

I know that's why I said tomorrow. He said

No Damon just don't speak of it again. I said

Okay but only for you. He said

Thanks Damon! I said

Your welcome. He said

I walked into the Kitchen I got a bottle of water then I went back to where Damon was and sat down net to him. He pulled me on to his lap just like we used to do when I was 17 he was the first person I met. I think he is one of the few people I care about he has a special place in me which sounds weird for some reason.

It was late so I got up went to my room then went into my private bathroom I washed my face Brushed my teeth and changed into shorts and a tank top.

(A/N Hey I want you to tell me what you want in this story because I like having ideas and adding a lot of awesome ideas from people. If you want a dedication just ask and Vote and Comment. Also read my other books.)

My dad Alaric saltzmen (Kol Mikaelson & Damon Salvatore)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora