Meeting the Little King Arthur

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lin ling pov  (still in this outfit )

as we walked further into the froist  merlin was telling me my next mission" your next mission is to free Arthur from the witch  " I stopped and looked at merlin "...... how the hell did Arthur get captured by a witch ?" merlin shuck his head " that not the problem anyway you don't need to fight the witch just to out smart her and I can tell you the witch love sweet things so   if you can think of something sweet she will exchange one of her at that point you need to find the one that is Arthur" merlin said as we arrived at the witch's house which was a candy house I thought of a sweet she would like and asked merlin to make it me then I went and knock on the witch's door "come in my dear " I heard the witch said I walked in she look nothing like those witch's in the stories books she looked like a grandmother " hello dear I don't get may visors would you like a sweet ?" she asked I smiled and said " no I couldn't take one of you sweet without giving you something in retune so how about I swop you for on of my sweets ?" the witch looked at me with interest " ok dearie " I gave her the marshmallow that I asked merlin for and she ate it "what do you think ?" I asked as she  chew the marshmallow " its very chewy and sweet I love it you may choose any sweet you like " she said I went and looked around and notice some emerald coloured sweets " what is you favourite sweet ?" I asked to confirm that Arthur is one of the emerald coloured ones " my favourite would have to be the green ones ......!" she said but then realized what she just said then looked at me as I ran my finger over the green sweets "no I meant the red ones they are my favourite " she said trying to cover up her mistake as she watch my hand go over the green sweet then her facial expression  change into a panic one as I stopped at the one I know was Arthur and said " well I wouldn't like to take your favour ones so ill take this one instead " at this point the witch throw her self at me "no you cant have that one " just as she almost got to me a cloud formed around her tied her up and shoot her out the window " good job lin ling pass me the sweet and ill turn Arthur  back " merlin said appearing out of nowhere and almost got hit in the face by me " will you stop doing that if you keep doing that I cant guarantee your safety" merlin looked me in that eyes and saw I wasn't lying as I handed him the sweet and waited for him to turn Arthur back ......

after a few mins

Arthur was back to his original form " mentor " the blond haired kid said  I raised one eyebrow looked at merlin and said nothing " good to have to back Arthur you should thank this girl as she was the one who save you " merlin said the boy looked at me with his sharp eyes and said " this brat ?" he asked merlin " yes and she will be your most powerful ally in the future " Arthur looked at merlin "her what can she do ? I don't need a little girl to help me " as he said that he pissed me off so I quietly pulled a sharp knife out of a small portal and throw it at Arthur pining him to a tree like I almost did to merlin I then walked up to him realising a deadly aura and stopped a centimetre from his face " I can do a lot more then you I can conquer the world by my self if I felt like it but that would be to much work also I wasn't the one that got myself tuned into a sweet by a witch so if you know what best for you shut up " I said grabbing the knife and pulled it out which Arthur couldn't do then started to walk back to merlin but stopped halfway turned back the Arthur and said " and by the way don't think just because your a prince and the future king that you are better then me those are nothing but titles to me they hold no power they cant stop a blade or arrow from killing you and they cant cure poisons so I would keep that in mind the next time to talk down to someone " then tuned back around and kept walking leaving both merlin and Arthur gobsmacked then got in the  carriage tune to them as I sat in the carriage " what are you two waiting for your burning day light move it " as I said that they started to move to the carriage merlin was driving and Arthur got in the carriage with me after a few minute's  Arthur spoke " teacher why is her cloths strange and a strange symbol  " I looked at him as merlin didn't answer so I did " these are the cloths I where in my clan and the symbol is the for the head on my clan and its what my people were "  (on the back of the outfit )

Arthur didn't say anything so I asked merlin where we was going " to  lord luan castle that where we will be staying " I nodded and didn't say anything as we come up to the castle Arthur and merlin got out of the carriage and headed towards the ma...

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Arthur didn't say anything so I asked merlin where we was going " to  lord luan castle that where we will be staying " I nodded and didn't say anything as we come up to the castle Arthur and merlin got out of the carriage and headed towards the man that had a kid next to him I walked up to them to as the man the I assumed was lord luan said "merlin you found his royal highness prince Arthur I was worried about you " merlin answered " he is fine lord luan "as the boy and Arthur glared at each other the lord patted the kid head and said " now kai you should apologise the prince if you hadn't provoke the prince he wouldn't have fought you " the boy I now know his name taken a moment then said " I am sorry your royal highness " then when Arthur  "hm " that pissed kai off and said something else but at that point I tuned out  then when lord luan shut kai up and looked at me and said  "shut up your mouth kai and who its this young lady is? " he asked merlin I was going to answer him but thought best leave it to merlin " she the girl that saved Arthur so I brought her here could she stay here from now on ?" I could tell it want really a question and merlin had something on the lord "but merlin she don't seem from this place " merlin smiled and said " that right but she will be the one that bights fortune to us "very well then come lets have breakfast " with that we all walked to the dinning room there was everything but eggs which was a let down as everyone was eat I notice they was using there hand and a knife to cut the meat as merlin read my mind he said " cutting meat is essential skill for a knight " I looked at him as to say no really I didn't know that which I did I picked the knife up and slit the meat perfectly which surprised everyone I quickly finished my food and said " thank you for the food if you don't mind lord luan id like to be excused and have a look around if that ok with you "  the lord still surprised nodded I bow with my handover my heart and said " thank you very much my lord" then tuned to leave

by the time merlin found me I have been everywhere in the castle and in town after I change cloths of course

by the time merlin found me I have been everywhere in the castle and in town after I change cloths of course

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( the outfit she had on when she went to town )

and was on my way back to the castle merlin stared to walk with me back to the castle and told me  what I already know about Arthur life that his father wanted a noble family to teach him to become a knight and how Arthur pushed him self in all his lessons but I stop he " wait what do's this have to do with me and what about my world ?" he looked at me " because you will have to learn self defence , sword and all the other thing a knight should know " I looked him in the eyes " and what makes you think I don't know any of those think ? but ok ill do it " at this point we reached the castle I walked off to the training ground looked around the  at the training gear and let me tell you I was not happy with the training gear so I went in to the woods near the castle and made my own training ground ... 

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