01: Squeezing My Poor Hand (Then)

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Unknown Territory.

Chapter 01: Squeezing My Poor Hand. (Then)

(*) Lauren's Point Of View (*) – 23rd July 2010.

Stepping into the room, my stomach instantly drops and I instantly feel a wave of nauseous. But I whip my head around to face Owen and my nauseous slowly goes away as I inhale his scent, crazy, right?

However, this doesn't last very long as my body comes back to reality as my teacher comes into view, followed by a producer of the show, chatting about what we need to do today which basically consists of the set of activities that we will complete today. To be honest with all of you, it is making my head hurt just thinking about what we need to do, there is so much that is going to happen and I don't think I am ready for this to start.

The last weeks have been a wave of quick activities from speaking to my parents about letting me audition for the talent show (which they let me do, inner cheer) to finally plucking up the courage to speak to Owen for the first time since the audition. I can honestly say that the most nervous thing was to speak to Owen for the first time – I know I am a love struck puppy but oh well.

"Okay you bunch of teenagers. Today is going to be another round of auditions however, this round will be live but in front of an audience. If the judges like what they see then you will process to the next round. Then if you get to that round, then more information will be released. This is a new show so there isn't that many people in the audience so you don't have to worry about nerves that much. Okay, so you will be on after that couple over there." The producer speaks, skipping over the details quickly, which makes my head hurt even more.

I start to rub my temples with my finger-tips as the producer starts to hand out name tags for us all. Grabbing my name tag from the producer's hand, I place it on my chest, remembering to exhale as my Mom said that it may help my nerves.

Sadly, my parents couldn't come today as it's the rules of the show but luckily one of the nicest drama teacher came but she brought one of the annoying music teacher who I believe is an idiot. It's not a good combination, trust me.

"Okay Jane, so the run of the show is you lot are going to go on-stage and give it your all. Making HighBrook the star of the show. Go out and give it your all." She states, signaling with her hands for us to go over; I start to feel annoyed since she hasn't once been supportive of us four since we auditioned. She wanted the other groups to be here where we are instead of us and she is indirectly saying it every time she can get.

"Okay." Ryan speaks and Owen nods his head in agreement, a hand grabs my hand – looking down, I notice it is my best friend clutching my hand for dear life as panic is clearly written in her eyes.

She continues to squeeze my hand as my own nerves build up in my stomach, I try to ignore the nerves as she continues to squeeze the life out of my hand, her face is turning a slight shade of white as she paces from side to side, looking confused and scared. "Lauran I am scared. What if we are crap and we go home?" She questions and I wrap my arm around her shoulder, trying my best to reassurance her but I'm in the same boat as her, I feel that I am too, not very good.

The drama teacher taps me on the shoulder while Ryan waves a hand in front of me face, making me come out of my daze as redness invades my cheeks as I become embarrassed at how easily I can become distracted. "Lauran, Bethany and boys. Are you ready?" She adds and I gulp.

I shake my head, trying to tell her that I'm not but Mrs 'I don't like you and I will tell you about it at every opportunity I will get' walks off (AKA the music teacher if you are confused). Letting out a small groan, we all follow her, Bethany still trying to squeeze the life out of my hand.

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