The grand master meets the wizard

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lin ling pov  (the vid is what she like when she go's grand master mode lol)

after 16 years of hellish training to be the next head of my family I get to be a normal high school girl ok well not normal as I'm going to a fancy high school but so far iv be doing go to blend in and acting weak when the I get bullied but that more because the third prince keeps looking at me any way after all the stress that my mother keeps putting on me my friend thought it would be a good idea for me to play some video game so off to the game shop we went . as we started to look around just as I was looking I felt a strange presents and jumped back  and nock some game for the shelf little did I know someone put a game in my bag  after the little incident I went home

at home

it looked like my mom not home so I made some food for me and put some in the fridge for her to have later so I went to my bedroom to sort out what textbook ill need for tomorrow and this game fell out of my bag " what is this how did it get in my bag ?" the I remembered what happened at the shop I read the front of the game it read "the legend of king Arthur ?" I thought about it looked at the clock and had some time before going to bed so I put it in my computer  next thing my screen want blank the some word come up it read when you start the game your destiny  will be change if you give up half way you will be cursed " then it dragged me into the screen little did I know that this is when my life would change

"inside the game "

as I lad sleeping I felt something trying to wake me and I thought it was my pet blaze " be quiet " them put my hand on what I thought was his head but it felt like a nose " blaze when did you get so fat I will not be feeding you anymore meat next time " I said to who I thought was my can blaze but then I heard a loud "ROAR !!!!!!!" and that sent me awake jumped in the  air soo fast that know one saw me move into the tree I looked down and saw a blue haired man sitting on the lion looking at me in the tree I pinched my self thinking it a dream but the man said " what a shame that this is not a dream and you cant leave without completing your mission " I jumped down " what do you mean I cant leave ?" I asked as I walked up to him and the lion " if you leave this game before completing your mission you will be cursed " I looked at him blocking him form reading my mind and said " what make you think that I'm not already curse  ? as you know NOTHING of what iv been thought but since I'm here ill humour you tell me what I need to do ?" giving a very pissed off look which I saw a flash of fear on his face the said " all what you need to do is help Arthur become king and help him get the holy grail" I looked at him in the eyes to see if he was lying I saw he wasn't but know something want right "and just how old I Arthur now ?" I asked " you don't need to know that right know " a raised my eye brow looking at him " ok that what do I need know then?" he then got up and said "well for starter me name is merlin I'm a wizard and you first mission is to protect this lion after that ill tell you how to leave" I looked he was as moron " let me  guess I have to eat I some type of food maybe something that in a shell " I said as I watched his face I saw his eye narrow and I knew it was a egg " ok the let get started " so he gave me a fly hitter and left so used some of my magic to change out of my uniform in to my normal clothes  then sit down with the lion that gave me a basket full  bread and waited

as I lad sleeping I felt something trying to wake me and I thought it was my pet blaze " be quiet " them put my hand on what I thought was his head but it felt like a nose " blaze when did you get so fat I will not be feeding you anymore meat next...

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( what she change into )

as night fell I kept my grad up as I felt the present of something coming to attack us with my eye still closed I got up changer the fly hitter in to a blades and attack the fly thing that was hurting the lion after a few seconds they knew they couldn't get pasted me and left I sent back my blade back to may storage then sat with the lion and fell asleep on him

(her blades )

(her blades )

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as the sun started to rise I sensed someone with us so I throw a knife pinning the to a tree open my eyes to see it was merlin I got up walked up to him and pulled the knife out " sorry I'm still not use to your present " he nodded then said " ok as a reworded you get to keep the lion and you can summon him to you side anytime by saying his name what are you going to call him " I tuned and looked at the lion " well he reminds me of a flower so ill call him Rin " I said rin didn't seem happy being named after a flower merlin looked at me like really your naming after a flower but said nothing about it as rin walked off  "anyway you next mission is to save king Arthur from the witch how live in a candy house " I looked at him like was he for real "ok them lets go but I have to ask how much time pass in my world?" I asked as we began walking to find the candy house " time stop in you world so you don't have to worry about missing anything " I nodded and kept walking        

The Grand Master ( Qishi huanxiang ye fanfic  linxarther )Where stories live. Discover now