Chapter 20

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I'm Sorry

I can feel my heart begin to race. No.No. No. This isn't happening. I try to push myself out of the vision. It has to be like waking yourself up from a nightmare,right? Wake up,Wendi. Wake up? I try to move,but I'm stuck in the room. The man looks surprised. He begins to look around,then look back at the woman.

"Both of them?" He asks,with worry.

"Yes,Lucas and Gwendolyn." She informs him.

"That's what I was afraid of." He says. GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! I shout in my mind. I feel myself shifting,and swirling,as I move down the wormhole again. Colors and parts of my memories severed onto the circling walls. No. No. No.

When I come to,I am sitting on the same bed,Lucas's trembling hand on mine. He looks scared. Not like me,though. I feel myself shatter inside. It can't be. I remember it all now. No. Wendi,you're insane. It's just side affects,or something. Something very strange is happening,but not to your knowledge,Wendi. Calm down.

"Don't you remember anything?" Lucas asks impatiently. No I don't. I have faded memories of my childhood. Mother argued a lot with some men,and cuddling and with me to keep me warm. I don't know why I got scared about that vision. I just felt like..I've seen those faces before. No. It's impossible.

"No. I'm sorry." I say. What is there for me to remember?

"That's what I was afraid of." Lucas utters. He pulls his hand away,looking at it sullenly. "It's not your fault,really." Lucas says. For some reason I feel bad. "I should probably go." He says.

"Ok." I say. He really should. Just now,Sierra or Riley are going to walk in.

As he begins to walk out,glumly,I can't help but feel awful. I feel as if I let him down. It's not my fault that I'm not related to any of those people. I can't be.

"I really am sorry." I say quietly,but loud enough for Lucas to hear.

"Me,too." He whispers,leaving the room slowly. I don't even hear the door shut. It's like he just fell off the face of the Earth. I get up,and walk into the living room,to see everything intact. The door is locked from the inside,all the windows are shut,and nothing is missing. Everything is exact. Even the half eaten muffin and candy wrappers I left on the couch,during my 80's movies marathon,are still there. Strange. Maybe he is magic.

I look at the clock on the microwave,since my kitchen and living room are in the same room, and I sigh at the time. It's 7:00 am. What the heck am I suppose to do all day? I certainly can't sleep,and I'm not going to school. To pass the time, I put a fresh rodent in Moxie's food bowl,and watch her eat it,to pass time. Mice guts are weird. I slip off my night gown,and put on a neon pink sweat shirt. I throw myself into a bowl of Fruit Loops,and flip threw channels. Most TV is blocked. Only re-runs of Full House and maybe some Disney. Otherwise,I educate myself on the planets on a science network. I totally didn't know that Uranus had rings. HAHAHAHAHA. Geez Louise.

I hear a knock on my door,as I drink the last drop of milk in my bowl. I groan. I hate company. Even in my thoughts, I can barely recognize myself. I twist the door knob. My hair better look great.

"Hey,Vance." I say. Vance smiles. He has braces.

"Hi." He says,waving slightly. "Can we talk?"

"Yea. Come in." I say,stretching my arm open. Vance enters my apartment,probably taking in how messy it is. My room is pretty clean,but the kitchen is a mess. I don't do dishes. My eyes search the room,making sure everything is intact. My bright,pink butterflies are glued to the walls in a perfect line. The photo of Moxie and I is alined,beside the vase of fake flowers. I forget to water plants. Good thing I swept up the crumbs on my couch. "What's up?" I ask,casually.

"Nothing much. I was heading to school,but I figured you weren't going to come in again today." He says,dropping his bag on the couch. Huh? How did he know?

"How would you know that?" I ask,raising my eyebrows. Vance shrugs.

"I would tell you,but it'd sound creepy." He laughs.

"Ok." I say. The less creepy;the better.

"You have Dirty Dancing on DVD?" Vance asks, withe excitement. Now,it's getting creepy.

"Yep. You wanna watch it?" I laugh. He'll say no.

"Yea!" I didn't expect that.

This is getting creepy.


What...? Vance likes Dirty Dancing?! 💃Sorry for errors. Have a nice day!😚


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