Chapter 1

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I guess I'll start at the beginning... My parents were murdered by some masked murderer. I was scared and I didn't want to accept the fact they were... gone. So I ran away. I lived on the streets and hid from everyone. I survived, obviously... I kinda stole a little... and borrowed... without asking... Hey! Call me bad and report me to the police. It doesn't matter any more...

It was about 6 years ago. I was ten at the time. I don't remember a whole lot from my parents, but I know that they worked a lot. My dad had fun with us. He would expect us to try new things, and to see the world. I didn't need much, but I was inspired at a young age to try archery. After a ton of practice, I would do competitions. I was capable to go to the Olympics at age 9, and I fell into the Advanced Juniors category. My first an only Christmas present was my own bow, and a quill of arrows. The bow was too big at first, then I grew in and out of it. I have a new bow that actually fits me, and longer arrows. I would practice for hours. Outside, on my own target, in my own yard. That was the past, but everything is different.

I remember it was our family movie night... Well, my dad and I, anyways... We were watching The Lion King, and my dad had fallen asleep. I started to doze off, and eventually fell asleep. I woke up to a short, powerful gunshot and a bunch of loud shrieks. My eyes opened in less than a second, to reveal 2 big figues in my living room. I screamed. I saw them actually murder my mother. My parents were there, on the ground, lifeless. And all I did was stand there. I'm an idiot, I know. I could have saved them. i could have stopped the killers, but I didn't. It was pure shock that washed over me. And I ran. I ran away for hours, as long as I could, as fast as I could. I lived on the streets for a few months, stealing, starving, dirty, and feeling like a disgrace to everyone.

The first day I met him, I was actually trying to steal his wallet. I was caught in the act, and he brought me in. He said he would protect me from them, whoever that was. He gave me everything I needed. Food, my own room, clothes, and my own bow... He called me by my name, Skyler. Skyler Macrombie. Not Macrombie anymore, just Skyler. My stage name is "The Panther," but I hardly think of myself as a panther. And you guessed, the Joker took me in. He was that man I nabbed from, or, tryed to nab from. In return for his "act of kindness," I work with him. Being the cause of crime and power, jail breaks, robberies, uprisings, you know. But this was my first real mission. The destruction of The Justice League. And I do not want to hurt them. I am sick of hurting people.

I'd consider myself a part of the Injustice League. They accept me for who I am, and they don't judge me. They treat me like real family. Catwoman, The Joker, Doctor Light, Deathstroke, Chronos, Aqumemno, The Riddler, even. All of them. They're my family I never had. I don't feel good about what we do, but it's the only way I am able to live. Literally. Joker said he'd kill me if I ran away, but that was his only threat I've heard.

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