The next morning, it's like 6:30 but Stasia is snoring up a storm well not loud, but loud enough!
I get up and see what's going on.
Getting in the kitchen, I see  Dad's cookin
"the girls are going to need to eat!" I nod but Krip comes in saying, "Why can't we just grab something on the way!"
"Nope! They got trashed,  really trash,  Stasia's still in bed.... but where's the panadol ... she gonna need it!"
Dad points to the cupboard above the sink.  I grab it and go back to give it to her, she moans saying, "Why would you do that!" I smile knowing she is going to be fun today but Mira will be on fire.
After a lot of complaining and a shower all with me helping we walk into the kitchen. Mira and Savie walk in too,  but Krip the asshole,  decides at that moment to bang some pots like a fucken child.  I glare at him but Mira just points at him "I will stab you.... Grahh..... cut it out" Krip laughs then put the pots away
"Got a headache girls. Maybe next time you will wait till we get to a safe place!"
I go to tell him to shut it, but Savie beats me,
"Krip I'll kill you myself... I don't care how much my man needs you! You listening!"
He smiles at her then grabs his coffee saying
" I got it but..." she just raises her hand to stop him in his tracks. He just shakes his head mumbling,
"women are taking over the dam MC !" And walks out.
Mira hugs her in response to her and goes to get coffee but Stasia is still moaning and before I know it she runs to the toilet and vomits.

After we all grab our stuff and pack the van,  we are late. But not to what the texts told us... we found and a few more that came in after.
Stasia's still sick but doing better but I haven't had time to tell her that Nana's house is being burnt down. I'm not really sure how she will take it, so I organise for the first leg of our trip to be in the van and Cory takes my bike which he's happy about!

As we are leaving and getting to the end of the road,  I see the fire start I turn to see Stasia looking with a confused look on her face she says "is that fire... Drew, turn around... there's a fire at Nana  Sally's house."
"Beauty, we had to, Dad gave the order. More people were coming, so this way it's a dead end!"
She just nods watching it go up, I just hold her. I knew this was going to be hard. She turns and just cuddles into me then after a bit.... I'm sure she's asleep.

Our first stop will be at Norseman, which is 2-3 hours away so I get comfortable.  Keata is trying really hard to get my attention so I get her out of her seat.  Sophie shakes her head at Keata who is smiling so big,  she shows her a small hand gesture and I just put her on my lap, she curls up with Stasia!

Just before Norseman, I wake Stasia, drinking last night really helped with her sleeping, " beauty we're stopping for a quick feed. Us guys are filling up the spare tanks we have for petrol,  so the bikes don't run out. The  tanks are smaller and we're having a meeting, you girls eat and get drinks and snacks for the van, yeah!" Nodding she wipes her eyes and stretches out then looks back at me. " is Cobra ok.... I mean it's his mum's house... I'm sorry!"
"Dads fine,  it was his idea!  he says there is insurance on it, so it's fine!" She's  thinking I can tell. " I'll help him rebuild it maybe the inside.... would that be ok !" I'm looking at her thinking hell yes that means she's not thinking of running and she is thinking of our future. " yeah babe that's fine! I say this while kissing her head.

When we pull to a stop at the servo,  we all get out to stretch out our legs. The girls go inside and we do the extra tanks and stand in a group for a bit of meeting!
Dads talks first " I want us in two groups, we know they're not ahead of us so the girls and 4 bikes go first... then the  rest I want to dawdle behind us so maybe 15—30 minutes behind us, that way if something does come up, you can give us a heads up. Then maybe we get to go off track. Nova and Krip know these roads well so you two split up. So one of you in  the first group to lead them to  getaways and so can the second if needed." Everybody nods in agreement,  then Krip comes in saying "our next stop is a long way off, Caiguna, it's about 5-6 hours away,  now if you need petrol we're sorted for everyone so stop fill and move on.  The van should make it,  it's  got a full tank so the girls don't need to stop!" Everybody seems good with this then Nova jumps in saying "So if we get separated,  head to Adelaide I'll text everybody that checkpoint  if the plan goes to shit !"

 Dad seems happy with that so does everyone.
"Right head inside have a feed and let's hit the road!"

The girls are all sitting together chatting like school girls. Least Stasia looks better than before.  As I sit down,  so does Bullet and Nova we just sit in silence while the girls chat away.

Sophie's phone goes off but she doesn't answer it... Bullet asked  her why,  but she just says "I'm not in town and everyone I know in this world are here so it's no one I know, probably  wrong number!" A text comes through after followed by another one,  she checked it,  then turns it off then continues to eat like nothing happened.  I'm watching Bullet,  he hasn't taken his eyes off it so something is not right.  Stasia notices to but she stays quiet finishing her drink!

Bullet gets up grabs Keata off Sophie's lap and passes her to Stasia then grabs Sophie's hand and goes for a walk. I only hear the beginning of what he says " talk.... I know it's something. I can't fix what I don't know Soph!" But that's all I hear,  looking at Stasia ready to ask her,  but she beat me to it " I don't know, but if she tells and it's not private and can't put us in trouble then I'm not saying anything" Shit. I just kiss her temple hoping that she lets it slip anyway!

As we walk to our bikes for a 5 or so hour ride bullet pulls me over "4 days in a row same number but she won't answer it and won't tell anyone!"
" You ask PC  anything yet!"
"Nah,  I want her to tell me! but I might flick him the number.... Shit! Why they make shit so damn hard!"
"Fuck knows but we'll get to it!"
Once everybody is in the van we start our next leg of our journey to Caiguna!

UNCHAINED TORTURE TO BLISS, Angels of Fury MC series Where stories live. Discover now