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Eren POV

"Jihyun! Prepare my bathtub with Luke warm water and prepare everything!"

"Yes sir"

I woke up and get my phone and texted my girlfriend and I'm now 2year collage.

Yes I have a girlfriend and her name is Misaki Haruduri

I got up from my bed and got my tv remote and turned on the tv while waiting for jihyun I got a paper and fold it into a paper airplane, it flew around and I watched it flew around, and suddenly jihyun went out my bathroom .

"Sir, your tub is ready"

"Now prepare my uniform and please put a lollipop in my pocket and arrange my bag"


I went to my bath room and took a bath

After I took a bath, I came out seeing my uniform neatly ironed and arranged

I pick my uniform and wear it neatly

(Sorry for the small pic, btw it looks familiar right (A

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(Sorry for the small pic, btw it looks familiar right (A.R.M.Ys you know it already)

After I was done wearing my uniform, I went downstairs and eat my breakfast, and when I fished eating I got up and got my backpack and went out and drove off to school and get a lollipop from my pocket

I stopped at the parking lot and went out my car

I went in and went to my lockers do looked at it, it was filled with letters and chocolates

"Omg, Eren senpai please look at me!"

"Omg is that Eren-kun, omg I can't breathe "

"How can I be a lollipop!"

These girls are so freaking annoying and stubborn, I closed my locker and went to my classroom and I saw my girlfriend clinging in my arm

"Oh Eren, how are you doing?" She asked

"Ok stop clinging into me. Ok, Misaki you are my girlfriend and we are in arrange marriage but we can only be married until my age is 20 so can you stop clinging into me, just be like a normal girl"

"Do you hate me?"

"I don't hate you, I just can't take that your always clinging into me"



"So Eren when and where are we gonna date ?"

"I don't know, I'm not jihyun"

"Who is jihyun!?!?"

"What if I tell you that she is my girl too?"

"What! You cheated!"she was shocked

"Just kidding, actually jihyun is my maid and she is the one who schedule ur dates ,nothing to worry"

"Urrgg! Next time if you do it again, I'll give you a punishment "she said pouting like a cute child

"And what is the punishment?"

"I'm gonna tell dad"

" ok I'm not gonna do it again"

The bell rang and we seated in our seat as the class started


Thank goodness it's already lunch time

I went into the canteen and walked into the line, I ordered one slice of strawberry cake and a soft drink. I actually don't eat much at lunch.After I payed I carried it to my table I mean my friends table, I saw armin, Connie, Levi, Reiner, bertholdt , Mike

I sat there with my friends and started to talk

"So Eren we were talking about Levi's cousin and he said that his cousin will transfer here "armin said

"Ya I'm soo excited to meet Levi's cousin" Connie and Reiner said in unison

"So what is the name ?"I asked

"Why the hell will I tell you!?"

"Is it not allowed!?!?"

"Do you wanna go kid!"

"Ya always ready!"

"Oi stop it, calm your tits!"armin said

"What did you just call us!"

"Never mind."



I ate my lunch and me and my friends talked about things, mostly about our lives

The bell rang and one by one we went into our classroom

I sat into my chair and the teacher came in quickly

"This is gonna be a long time learning science "I muttered


It's kinda boring right but wait there is still a coming character and plot twist

A song for you [Eremika]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt