Capter 2: Running

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When I was walking outside walking I could Feel the cool air on my wounds. It felt as if I were putting on the lip stuff that gives you a cooling senation. It was nice to feel something familiar now that everything is full of blood and guts. That isnt that comforting when it comes to a girl who isn't a big fan of dirt and definietly not guts. As i was walking down a street I saw a girl who was scared, running around yelling names at the top of her lungs. I wasn't really paying attention when she yelled out my name."Ashley!" she said three times to make sure I heard it allthough she didn't know that I was there. I started running so fast towards whoever was saying it. I was so happy that someone was looking for me and it gave me a nice feeling to know that. When she saw me running towards her she started to get ready to run away from me until she noticed it was me. She yelled to me one more time and as I got closer and closer I found out it was my sister. Chloe was her name and she knew what I was thinking all the time she is more like a best friend that only happens once in a lifetime. When we got to eachother we hugged for a very long time, well atleast until she wanted to talk. "Ashley... I... Uh..." before she can finish she started to cry. I grabbed her sholders and said "I'm here now, now we don't have to be lonely" I said gentely. " You don't need to cry anymore I am here now, I am right here." We were both so happy to fing eachother finally it had worried me that she was gone. Now we have to go out and try to find our mom and dad and hope for the best.

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