"Hey, look at me" he ordered in a way that was sweet as well and Zoey couldn't help but look into his blue eyes. "Zoey, you don't have to compete with Erin, she's pretty but so are you in your own different beautiful way, nothing is ever gonna happen between us and I know it's hard for you to trust me but I'm just gonna keep proving to you and showing to you that you can" he has answered her honestly and that's all Zoey could ask of him and he leaned in kissing her again, easing her worries.


They both stayed in her bed for the remainder of the evening, well besides when they both got up in search of food as both of them had slept through the day. Jays phone had rang just as they were settling back in their previous position to watch a movie.

"Hey sarge" Jay answered as he sat up from his laying position

"How is she?" Voight has asked through the other end of the line, he couldn't help but worry about his niece.

Jay glanced at Zoey and smiled back at her after seeing her send one his way "she's fine, she slept and she ate, how's everything going with finding Carter?" He asked his Sargent, keeping his voice low when he mentioned his name.

"Actually, that's why I'm calling. Kids got money and a good lawyer, we can't hold him or even question him without proper motive" hank explained through the phone.

"Are you kidding, that's bullshit" he was fuming.

"All we can do is keep her in our line of vision at all times, she comes with you tomorrow so at least we know she's safe we will discuss more tomorrow at the precinct. See you tomorrow" and the Hank clicked off

Jay dropped his phone rather harshly on the table in frustration. Zoey is definitely not gonna take the news very well. Keeping her safe wouldn't be the issue, He was going to do everything in his power to protect her, the issue was trying to figure out how the hell their gonna put that asshole away.

She noticed Jays sudden mood change as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"What did he say, what's wrong?" She asked placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"He said that they can't hold him or even question him without motive because he's got his hands on good lawyers" Jay sighed he hated being the one to tell her the news.

"So he's still out there?" She asked after a while of silence

Jay just nodded reaching out and pulling her tiny frame into his body.

"But it's going to fine, you will have one of us with you at all times, I promise you babe, I won't let him near you ok?" He ran a hand up and down her back comfortingly. She nodded and buried her face further in the confines of his chest.

      Zoey went into the district this morning with Jay as the whole team was under strict orders by Hank to not leave Zoey alone.

      She was kneeling on the floor muttering profanities under her breath and she re alphabetized their filing system. Since she wasn't allowed to actually do her job of answering phones in case Carter had called again she was forced to help the detectives and acting as a slave and doing the work no one else wanted to do like re organize the filing cabinets. 

"Ohh Zoey darling I need you" she heard Ruzeks annoying voice call for her again. Adam was thoroughly enjoying forcing Zoey to do most of his work. Zoey sighed in aggravation as she forced herself off the floor

"I swear to god Ruzek if you ask me to get you another cup of coffee I will kill you" she threatened as she re appeared in front of their desks. Adam was laughing and Jay was staring in amusement.

"Please babe, you can't even kill a spider" Jay had laughed and her attention was on him suddenly and she shot him a glare

"What do you want Ruzek?"  She asked in annoyance

"Will you rub my feet for me?" He laughed placing his bare feet on his desk and Jay was suddenly laughing with him

"Bite me, Ruzek" she sent him a death glare

"Id love to" he winked in her direction and she flipped him off before muttering some not so very nice names to him before she stalked off to return to her task with the filing system.

It wasn't long before Jay walked over and sat in a chair staring down at her on the floor, files sprawled all around her.

"How's it going?" He asked. she ignored him, quite frankly she was pissed at him.

"Are you seriously ignoring me right now?" Again Zoey didn't answer, she just continued on with her alphabetizing.

"Fine, just thought I'd ask if you wanted lunch but since you are ignoring me I will take that as a no..." he stared at her for a moment before she finally acknowledged him.

"That's not fair, you know I can't resist food" she whined finally answering him. He laughed at her.

"What's for lunch?"  She asked, standing up and dusting off her pants


"I'm still mad at you, so take this is me not being mad because I'm still mad" she glared at him

"What did I do?" He laughed at her, he couldn't help it, she was so tiny and her being angry just made him laugh

"You just laughed when Ruzek was being an ass to me, just like you are laughing at me right now" she deadpanned, was he seriously laughing at her right now

"He was just kidding, you know that"

"Yes and it was funny the first half hour, but now it's old and I have a lot on my mind right now Jay and that didn't help and I've got to alphabetized the stupid filing system because apparently you guys are incapable of doing that yourselves" she ranted moving to stalk past him but Jay caught her arm, stopping her.

"You're right Zoey I'm sorry, I should have put a stop to it when I realized you were getting annoyed, I will talk to Ruzek" he told her sincerely, he felt bad now. He should have stopped Ruzek after the second time, with everything she's got going on she didn't have to deal with Adam too.

"And after we eat I will help you with the filing system"

Her eyes lit up "you will?" She asked excitedly, Jay nodded before quickly kissing her.

"Forgive me now?" He stared down at her

"Almost but not totally" she smiled shyly at him

He leaned down and kissed her head

"How about now"

"Not quite"

Jay trailed his lips down her jaw before stopping at her neck and kissing there, goosebumps erupted all over her skin

"And now?" He whispered into her neck

"Yes" she squeaked out, Jays antics leaving her flushed

He pulled away from her totally, having to rid his mind of thoughts swimming through his head at her reaction when he kissed her neck. "Come let's go eat" he smiled and laughed as she practically ran towards the break room. He never knew a girl who loved food as much as she did. He added it to the list of the many things he loved about her.

Yay new chapter finally. Sorry if it's a bit boring, hopefully it's not but it will pick up soon so hold your horses.

Yesterday a random apple fell out of a tree and hit my horse square in the head and it was THE funniest thing I have ever witnessed in my life 😂😂

Let me know what you think!

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