A Vile Negotiation

Start from the beginning

He huffed. "I don't have to."

Suddenly you were lifted up and thrown back into the wall with the Force. The impact knocked the breath from your lungs and your vision flickered out momentarily. He backhanded you and the blow left you on the floor once more, but instead of picking you back up, he loomed over you, daring you to stand on your own. To your horror, you felt an exhilarating rush of arousal wash over you.

"You enjoy this," he said, his vocoder practically buzzing from the sheer depth of his voice.

As you looked into the bottomless eyes of his mask, you realized that he was right. As much as Kylo Ren infuriated you, he was, by all means, the most stimulating person you had ever met, both physically and intellectually. Even though you had never seen his face before, you had developed a fondness for him that you could not describe. Still, his actions were uncalled for and highly inappropriate, especially for someone who held an obligation to the alliance at hand.

"Take off your clothes," he repeated much quieter this time.

"No," you growled through blood-stained lips.

"Then you give me no choice."

You watched in bewilderment as your clothing tore away from your body in slivers. You tried desperately to keep them together, but they slipped through your fingers like water. Before you knew it, your naked flesh was exposed to him, and you were left powerless as you crossed your arms tightly over your chest. He circled you, taking in your form.

"Stand up."

You shivered, but not because of the cold. You had never felt so humiliated in your life.

"No," you whispered, on the verge of tears.

"Do it. Now."

You weighed your options. Give in to your fear and try to fight your way out or turn off your emotions and allow it to happen. Either way, he would get what he wanted. You hated that.

Reluctantly, you did as he said and stood to full height, bringing your arms down to your sides in an attempt to appear more confident than you really were. You felt his gaze roaming over your body.

"Good," he praised. "Now raise your hands above your head and spread your legs."

You hesitated long enough for him to lose his patience, and he forced you into the position before you could protest. His steps were slow and deliberate as he approached you. His hand reached out and you felt a phantom hand flick your nipples and tease the outer lips of your pussy. Despite all efforts to smother it, a small whimper escaped your mouth.

"Stop," you said. "Please."

"Not until you agree to my proposal."

You scoffed. "Even if I did, you wouldn't stay true to your word."

"You're so right."

He abandoned his plight to not touch you and without any warning whatsoever, plunged his thick fingers into your cunt, stretching you wide open. The dry leather scraping against your walls caused you to cry out as tears gathered in the corners of your eyes. An unbelievable amount of pressure weighted the core of your brain, and it felt as if something was sifting through your thoughts as you struggled to move away from him. Then, he moaned. The sound made you clench.

"I know what you like," he said, slowly thrusting his fingers in and out of you. "I know you want this. Tell me."

"No," you gasped.

He went deeper, stroking your g-spot. "Yes."

"No," you said more firmly.

Even deeper still. "Yes."

"Oh, fuck..."

His other hand fumbled with his belt, which fell to the floor with a thud once it was unfastened. You shook your head as you looked down. He released his cock with one motion, stroking it with ardor.

"Do you see what you do to me?" he said.

Your breathing labored. Was this really happening?

"It's not my fault you can't control your feelings around me," you said, wincing as he fucked you harder with his fingers.

"It's not a matter of control. It's a matter of knowing what I want and taking it when I want it."

He released you from the Force. At the same time, he bent his knees and replaced his fingers with something far bigger. Your feet left the ground as he straightened to full height, completely impaling you on his cock. You screamed, gripping his shoulders as you pressed your forehead against his chest. He groaned, twitching inside you.

"So tight," he whispered, his voice constricted.

He thrusted his hips upwards, his head tilting back as the tip of his dick hit your cervix. You panted like a wild animal, nails digging into his arms.

"Oh fuck," you moaned.

"Enjoying ourselves, are we?" he said, his voice wavering as he bounced you up and down.

Your toes curled and you wrapped your legs around his waist, trying to set your own pace. He tightened his arms around you so that he could carry you to the table in the middle of the room. He set you down on the edge and pushed you onto your back, throwing your ankles up on his shoulders. The icy surface set your nerves on edge, heightening your sense of touch to astronomical levels. Kylo forced his thumb between your lips, pressing it firmly against your tongue.

"Suck," he commanded.

You bit down on him--hard--and he yanked his hand away. Before you could revel in your small victory, however, your head snapped to the side as he landed a harsh blow on your cheek.

"Insolent girl," he muttered. "I'll teach you better than to disobey me."

He used the same thumb to rub at your clit, and while you could feel the tension building in your core, you also felt a stifling pressure which kept you from escalating higher to your climax.

"Wha-what are you doing?" you sputtered.

"Teaching you a lesson."

You mewled as the tension refused to vome undone, leaving you dangling by a thread as shoved his cock inside you again, his hips smacked against yours with incredible force. For a brief moment, you worried that someone from the outside could hear the sound of your flesh smacking together. Even worse, the moans which spewed from your mouth were increasing in volume as you became desperate to hit that peak you so desperately needed. But he wouldn't give it to you.

"I'll let you cum," he said, "but only on one condition."

"Tell me!" you cried.

"Convince your father to tighten the boundaries."

Of course, it was the one thing you could not do.

"A compromise," you said.

"I didn't ask for one."

"It's all I can give you."

He chuckled under his breath. "So be it."

He picked up the pace, moving the table as he thrusted over and over until his hips became erratic.


That was when you felt it--the hot seed shooting out of him like the plasma from a blaster. Out of nowhere, a warm fluid squirted from between your thighs, soaking the front of Kylo's robes, but your orgasm refused to peak. He groaned, smacking your pussy with his gloved hand as he watched it quiver with anticipation. He continued to buck and rut against you, riding out his orgasm as if it was the last thing he would do. Eventually, he slowed to a stop, pulling out and fixing himself so that he looked halfway decent.

"I expect we shall be seeing each other very soon," he said as he walked towards the door. "In the meantime, I encourage you to think over your answer."

You sat up and watched him walk out, then stared at your clothes, which laid in tatters on the floor. How would you ever make it back to your quarters without anyone seeing you?

A Vile Negotiation [Kylo Ren Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now