A Vile Negotiation

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"I won't settle for the boundaries you propose," you said to Commander Ren as you stood from your chair. "My people should not have to fear you out of such proximity."

He was silent. Ever since the fall of the Empire, your planet, Vanta, had become a lawless and politically neutral nation. General Hux, as of a week ago, had expressed interest in setting up a base in the abandoned farming fields near the Nadali--your tribe. Instead of taking it by force, the First Order had, to your people's relief, seen more value in sparing your lives than ending them. That meant that a negotiation between the general and your father, leader of the Nadali, was in order. And since you were his only heir, your presence was also required. You had expected to endure hours upon hours of meetings, and while this had been the case in the first day aboard the Enterprise, you had spent a lot of time with Ren in the last two.

Your encounters with him were never friendly, considering they were almost always based on the terms of agreement. You both had completely different views in comparison to your superiors, and even more so when it came to each other's. Sometimes your arguments barely passed as civil. It was a miracle he hadn't already lost his temper with you.

"You expect me to gather and waste resources all for the sake of your people's peace of mind?"

"Well, yes," you answered matter-of-factly.

"What a foolish leader you will become."

"Better than a sad tyrant whose dick size must be compensated by an abnormally large ego."

He slammed his fist against the table as he rose from his seat. His rage was infamous, even on the galaxy's edge. You had heard of entire villages being demolished by his squadron--his own officers meeting their fate by his hand when something didn't go his way. If you hadn't been so vital to this political alliance, you would have feared for your life, taken back everything you said, and surrendered yourself to him.

"You test my patience. For your sake, I suggest you leave."

Your jaw tightened. "No. Not until you agree to my terms."

The air around you vibrated with an energy you had never felt before, but you refused to let it frighten you. You were far from proving your point, and you intended to show him you would not relent so easily. Then, fear pitted itself in the trench of your stomach as he stormed across the room, his footsteps falling heavy against the floor. He grabbed you by the throat and you tried to cover up your dread with a growl, but your airways permitted nothing more than a worthless grunt. Within seconds, your vision started to spot, and you could feel death fast approaching before he loosened his grip. You glared at him as you came to your senses.

With an amused huff, he released you and you crumpled to the floor.

"Take off your clothes."

You stared at him in disbelief. "What?"

"I said. Take. Off. Your. Clothes."

He couldn't be serious. And yet, he stood towering over you, the narrow slot in his chrome and carbon mask burning a hole through you. You knew then that you should have planned an escape route, but there was no time to beat yourself up about it. Commander Ren was undoubtedly stronger than you. Not that physical advantages counted towards anything when the Force was on his side. If you had any hope of overpowering him, it would have to be by some miracle.

"How dare you," you said to him, deciding to hold your ground.

"Do as I say."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll rip them off myself."

"Touch me and I swear you'll wish you never had." The threat was spineless, meaningless. You were no match for him and you both knew it.

A Vile Negotiation [Kylo Ren Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now