Chapter 01

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Chapter 01

This all began in what is now called the African Continent, in the little city, that was called Shang Ri La, yes, that mythical place of beauty beyond compare, whether it was the city, itself or the people that lived within it, for this was a city of Magic and Mages; the city that moved and could  be anywhere on any continent; and yes, there were those who were born with and without an active mages talent, but even so the mage-less were valued just as much , for they would have other talents, and all their children were beyond compare, for this was a city filled with love and happiness.

 Another thing about this city, in this place everyone had and was mated to their soul mate, for a soul mated pair was born; always born on the same day or within a week, months or even a few years but still the same day and each had a matching birth mark, so parents knew who their son or daughter mate was. This was a city where there were no distinctions, even within the Royal household.

 Though it was rare indeed,  just a few times in a generation, sometimes a soul mate came from outside the city, as it was with the Queen, who was an extremely talented Healer Mage. 

When magic was still known for what it truly was, and time held no sway for those who inhabited the city, for an individual was not deemed an adult until 30, for those of Shang Ri La could live up to 500-1000 years or more but who was really counting.

Shang Ri La was not at war with anyone and was seen as the ultimate prize to have as a neighbour through just their trading for goods and other things, for however a length of time the city was near.

Though, the inhabitants were not at war with anyone, those who could and wanted still trained to fight, for it is and Art form in of itself , of both Magic and Mundane:- the Dance with Blades or Staves ; or Weapon less Combat.

 For there were others with magical skills, not of or from the city, these were Witches, Warlocks, Sorcerers and Sorceresses, some were as we say, White, Neutral and the very bad Black magic users. The White and Neutral were allowed to enter and sometimes lived within the city and a very, very rare Black magic user also. For the mages motto, and quote "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, POWER IS KNOWLEDGE."  For the Mages believed that the first step to know anything is to know nothing.

For the mages were and are a curious lot, because where ever, they were they tried to acquire as much knowledge as there could be, and still believed, that what was known was not enough, yes, mages in general are the ULTIMATE NERDS but that also gave them power, whether about fighting skills, magical or any type of thing that took their interest,   

Daia was young woman of around 22, and had grown up beside her love Makra, though he was just barely 17,  she was what we would now call tomboy, she, her love, her siblings and their loves, ran wild with the many other children of the city; her father was the King and a wise elder council man and her mother was the city mage - healer; because she was the eldest of all her 11 siblings, therefore the Next Queen, making it a family of 14, including her mother and father,  with the youngest being only a couple of years old.

Even though Daia was the eldest daughter, she was required to learn her father's fire magic and her own natural talent, for her greater talents lead in this direction; she had a minor healing talent also but not as strong as her mage-craft of Fire. She was also naturally talented with any type of weaponry, but especially – swords and knives but basically anything with an edge to it; all on her own that made her teachers, proud and when she had training with a edged item, it was like she was in a dance.

Daia was a Fire-Sword Mage of great talent and potential. Makra was no less talented but not with a mage talent but like his love he was a great warrior to be; was also a great and talented artist in jewellery and a good swordsman on his own.

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