Chapter 01: A Piece of History

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"Luzrov Rulay!!!" Sorey shouted and fused with Mikleo, unleashing the water armatus. They leaped out to the sky with excitement as their eyes were filled with an adventurous spirit. Sorey gazed over the plains below them. He lively smiled and flew freely across the majestic skies.

"Woah, you got strong Mikleo." The Shepherd complemented his sub-lord in an admiring way. Mikleo chuckled and felt flattered.

"You too Sorey." They continued to soar to the horizon, feeling the breeze within the Shepherd's body. He shivered a bit, making his best buddy laugh a little. They were both amazed to see the beauty of the whole world. Sorey flew along with a flock of birds and closed his eyes trying to feel the cold wind and to imagine like a free bird.

"Tell me Mikleo, why is it you think that birds fly?" Sorey slowly opened his eyes and asked curiously which made Mikleo to wonder deeply.

"So they could use their wings to find food right? What made you ask that question so suddenly?" Mikleo tittered. 

"Because Velvet Crowe asked me that question in a dream before we faced Heldalf. Birds fly because they want to fly. They don't fly for others benefit. They fly because they want to fly. That's what she said." Sorey answered in a calm way. Mikleo couldn't believe what his best friend said.

"Anyway, we should get to the ruins that I showed you earlier." The Shepherd boosted his flight and landed on the valleys of Stolat Mountains. They unfused and looked the beauty of the scenery. Sorey saw an old shrine near the cope. He ran to the ruin and watched the deep hole below.

"Woah....." Sorey's jaw dropped in an awe. Mikleo followed and checked the shrine's structure carefully.

"From the looks of its carvings, this ruin existed since the Era of the Gods. Pretty cool isn't?" Mikleo stepped carefully through the edge of the shrine and took a peek below. Both men climed down carefully through the walls and stepped on a slab, because of the darkness, they stopped and felt a strange force below.

"I can sense a large amount of Malevolence here. We should be careful, there might be hellions here." Mikleo warned and Sorey drew his sword and  the Silver Flame came out and served as a light inside the shrine.

"Do you have any information about the ruin here Sorey?" Mikleo slowly followed the Shepherd and glanced over the walls covered in ivies and mosses.

"Well, the Celestial Record says that this shrine was once sheltered by a beast. And it was also once called to be the gates of the underworld, once you fall here, you can't get out." Sorey grabbed and opened the Celestial Record and showed the page where it contains the information of the shrine. Mikleo stared and analyzed the drawing of the ruin seriously and a sudden growl was heard beneath the shrine.

"Did you hear that?" They were alarmed and stopped and let their guard up.

"What was that?"

"Only one way to find out.." Sorey jumped down to another slab and almost slipped, giving Mikleo a heart attack.

"Be careful Sorey!! You could've fell down and died!" Mikleo sighed in relief and leaned on the wall and saw an odd-looking brick that's popping out. In curiosity, he pushed the rock and a secret doorway appeared near Sorey.

"Woah! What did you do?" Sorey jolted a little in shock and glanced at the doorway. Mikleo went near him and gave a competitive look.

"What's with the face?"

"I'm not gonna lose to you. Now that's one for me." Mikleo smirked and dashed through the secret path. Sorey laughed and followed his sub-lord sneakily.

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