When Wilford Decided

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He sat with a childish pout plastered to his face, his glowing pink eyes glaring at the wall in front of him. He was tired of this empty concrete room, tired of the lack of entertainment, tired of the policy Googleplier enforced which forbade him from owning any kind of weapon. Tired of them. They were the reason why he was locked up here, with nothing to do or no one to take his anger out on. He was so pent up, so irritated, so huffy, the vivid pink of his hair seemed to glow along with his eyes. "Perhaps a concrete room can hold me for.." Wilford glanced the numerous scratches he had made into the walls to help keep track of the days. "Sixty four days, but- it can't hold me forever!" He huffed, brows furrowed and his lower lip pouted. "I don't deserve this! I haven't hurt anyone, yet I am being treated like a murderer!"

"That's because you are a murderer." Said a robotic voice over the room's intercom, and Wilford scoffed in disgust as the window beside him lit up, the silhouette of Googleplier cast a shadow over the floor in front of him. "Or at least you strive to be."

"You are quite humorous! I have yet to take someone's life!" Wilford retorted, his eyes not leaving the wall in front of him.

"Yet, indeed. Though I believe you did shoot Tyler, and you fatally wounded SeptiPlier..."

"That scamp wanted me to! Both of them! Tyler was practically begging me!"

"Tyler was simply stating the answer on the board! Honestly, Wilford! You need to realize not everything is literal!" Googleplier took a seat at the desk, folding his hands neatly in front of him. His blue eyes glowed, as did the emblem of a simple white "G" that was emblazoned on his chest.

"You would have done it too!" Wilford accused, yet he knew that his feeble argument was getting him nowhere.

"Another difference between you and I. If I was given such a situation, I wouldn't have lacked the brains to take Tyler literally. Perhaps the case with SeptiPlier would have been different, but you still shot him, and that wasn't such a measure I would have taken."

"You really know how to run your mouth, all that 'I'm smarter' bull-hockey!" Wilford spat, now turning his malevolent pink gaze onto Googleplier, who obviously wasn't intimidated by the man in the other room.

"Perhaps you should give artificial intelligence a try, seeing as normal intelligence is too complicated for you to comprehend, Wilford." Googleplier said simply, a smirk crossing his lips.

Wilford gave him a haughty glare, and the robot's lip curled up even more. He knows he's winning... Wilford thought to himself. Don't give in, don't give in, don't give in... If you let him into your head, you will lose. "That must be hard, not having the ability to think on your own, only able to follow other's orders!" Wilford taunted, raising a brow at the robot behind the glass.

Googleplier gave the psychopath a very blank look. "Perhaps, as being not entirely human has it's downfalls. But then again it's not so unbearable seeing as I have limitless knowledge."

Wilford rolled his eyes, then ran a hand through his pink curls. "I do not wish to dignify that remark with a comment!" He replied with a firm expression, his eyes narrowed as he returned his glare to the wall in front of him.

"Suit yourself!" Googleplier stated, and there was a loud whirring sound that accompanied the tapping noises of buttons being pressed. "I'm going to sedate you in order to move you to the simulation room, Wilford." Googleplier said in a rather soothing voice as a small syringe attached to a moving metal arm drew closer, the needle glinting at Wilford.

That's if you can get me before I get you!

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